11 Jan 2013 10:14AM GOLDEN RIM 0894815759 p. l

Fonn 604

c::orporatto• Aet 2001

Soctlon 87t

Notice of change of interests of substantlal holder



· Riedel Resources Llmlted

143 042 022

1.Detalls ohu tantlal holder(1)

Name Golden Rlm Resources Ltd


006 710 774

There was a change In the int&r&sts cfthe substantial

holderon 07101/13

The prevlous notlce was given to the company on

The previous notice was dated



2. Prevlous and prennt votlng power

Th110 total number of votes attached to ali the votlng shares in the company or voting lnterests In the soheme that the substantial holder or an aaacclate (2) had a relevant lnterest (3) In when la&t raqulred, and when now requlred, to IJIVe a substanlial holding nolice lo the comp11ny or scheme. are es follows:

Closo o!oocurlttoo (4)

PM11VIoU$ Nollce

Preaent nctl011

Closo o!oocurlttoo (4)

Paraon's votas

Votlng p"""'r(5)

l!!lrl!lon' J, ve)l:t; $

Vcijng power( )

Ordlnary !UIIy pald oharoo





3. Chailge• In raltvant lnterttt8

Particulel'll of each ohange in, or Qhange In the natLJre or, a relevant lnterest of the substantial holder or an associate In votlng securltles olthe company or schema, slnce the substantial holder was l!1st required lo give a substantial holding nolice to lhe eompany cr schema are ufollows:

lo ohango 7

11 Jan 2013 10:14AM GOLDEN RIM 0894815759 p.2

4. Present retevant tntereate

Particulars of uch relevant lnterest of the substantlal holder In voting securities alter the change are as follows:

holder a

e. Changes In assoclatlon

The persons who have become associates (2) cf, ceased to be essoclates of, or have changed the nature of thelr assoclatlon (9) wlth, the substantlal hold&r In relaticn to vctlng

interests in the comp ny or scheme are as l'ollows:

Nome and ACNIARSN (lf opplloable)



e. Addre••••

The addresses of persons named in this formare as fcllows:



Goldon l'ltm R..o"""''Ltd

U.l/01 2, 1O Outram St..,ot, Woot Porth WA a006, Auo1ralla


pdnt n1ma Hgy!oy Butçber Compwny Stctrttjir:i

Slgn here

data Il 0(

11 Jan 2013 !0:14AM GOLDEN RIM 0894815759 p.3

(1) Ilthere are e numbor of substantlal otdera wlth &Imitar or related relevant lntenssts (og. a corporoltcn and ìt& related corporallono, orlho manager and lruatee of M equlty trust), tho nomos could belntluded tn an anneJ(ure lo t"e rorm. Ilthe relevent lnlereeto cf e gr<>up cf pon1ono •re oooontlolly almllor, ltley may be nsferred IO tt.r<>ughout tholorrn u • ape flcaiiY nemed grouP Iltho momborsnlp of each group, wllh the names and eddre St• olm8Tilbemls cloay set
out In paragroph 6 of the form.

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Soo tho doflnltlon o1 "a &oclota" In oocljon 9 of the Oorwatlono Act2001.

Sae the deflnltlon o1 "relovanllntenisl" In aeclions 608 and 5716(7) of 1ne Oorporetlono Alll2001. Tho vollng ohorea of a company consllluh! ono closo uniEIIIO divided lnto separate clauee.

Tho po111on'o voleo dlvlded by the total votooln IMo body corporale or ooneme mulllplled by 100. Include detalls of:

(o) any relevant agreem•nt or other clrcume1ancee because of whlch tl11chanfiJi' In 111levant Intero oc::cvrred.

Ilsubsoctlon 8718(4) applles, a copy of eny documonhottlnout the tarma of any relevant egr11e111ent, ond
a atatement by tho porson ;lvlny li.JII and accurate detalla of eny contraci, schomo or orrangement, mual
&eeompany t ls form, toget or wlth a wrltten slalomont cortlfylng thls controcl, ocheme or o Mgement;


any quallflcatlon of lho power of • peraon lo exerdae, controllho oxerclso of, or lnnuence tne exerct&e. 01, tho vottng powers or dlapoaal olthe soourilloo lo whloh tho rolovant Interesirotate;ndidetlng elaaoy !11o polllcutar securlltos 10 whlch tho quallflcatlon opplles).
Soo tho donnltlon of "relevonl•a"e!1'1ent" In $ (7) Dttalls orthe eonslderallon mùat Include any anali benenta. money ond olhor, lhat ony pon on from whom a ralovant lnlorert waa acqulred has, or may, booomo entltlod to recetve In reiGUon lo thet acquteltton. Oetalls mu•t bo lncluded ven lf lhe bonoflllo oondlllonal on the happening or not ola contlngenoy.DotaIlo muzt bo lncl•dod cf any beneflt pald on behalflho subotantlal hotder or Ila aeaoclateln relatlon to tho ocqulslllono, ovonthoy are not paid dlroctly la lhe person !rom whom the "l$vont lnlereslwas ocqulred.



Illhsobotontlalholdor ls unoble lo determino the ldentlty of the P"'"" (og. Illho r'Biovanltntere;t Q &es becauss ot

an optlon)wrltEI 11unknown". Cli'u'e detalls, lf approprtete, of the preeent aeaoelatlcn and any at'lange In th11t anoclliltlon eince the laat sub1tantlal

holding notlce.

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