State of Hesse and RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG agree future concept for the University Hospital Giessen and Marburg (UKGM)

  • Safeguarding of jobs until 2014 through a moratorium
  • Support for research and teaching
  • Further investments in medical technology and buildings
  • Increased co-determination and control rights
  • Particle therapy center in Marburg scheduled to start no later than December 31, 2013
  • Economic restructuring of UKGM

Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale, 29 January 2013

The Hesse state government, RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG and the two universities in Giessen and Marburg have reached a joint agreement on the future of the University Hospital Giessen and Marburg (UKGM). The agreed objectives are to further develop high-quality medical care in Central Hesse, ensure first-class research and teaching, improve job security for the around 9,700 employees, and strengthen the cooperation between the state, the universities, the UKGM and its operator, RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG.

Agreement was also reached on the start of the particle therapy centre in Marburg's Lahnbergen hills no later than the end of 2013. It was further established that work would begin on renovating existing buildings and the construction of three new clinics. In return, UKGM is to receive investment grants from Hesse as well as compensation of €3 million per year to support research and teaching in two separate locations.

"We therefore believe that we have come close to achieving our primary objective of equal treatment with comparable university hospitals in Hesse," said Dr. Dr. Martin Siebert, Chairman of the Board of Management at RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG.

In February 2006, RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG assumed responsibility for high-quality medical care and 9,700 jobs in the Central Hesse region with a high level of commitment.
"Rhön stands for innovation, reliability and sustainable management. We intend to continue on this path in future by supporting advanced university-based medical science as well as research and teaching at state and local community level," said Dr. Dr. Martin Siebert. Since 2006, around €550 million has been invested in the region to support high-quality medicine and secure jobs." In order to serve the best interests of patients, we wish to and will only be able to continue on this path by working together. I would therefore like to thank all participants for their dedicated commitment, in particular the Prime Minister of Hesse, the Minister of Science and the two university presidents," continued Dr. Dr. Siebert.

Martin Menger, Chairman of the Management Board at University Hospital Giessen and Marburg, added: "With the help of the McKinsey report we were already able to identify a number of new approaches last fall that had become necessary due to the significant deterioration in framework conditions, such as the situation at base rates and price discounts on additional service volumes. We can address some of these challenges ourselves. Others require the support of the State of Hesse. On the basis of our joint agreement, we are confident that UKGM will be able to develop successfully in future from an economic, medical and health care perspective."

Details of the agreement:

  • Particle therapy and the treatment of patients scheduled to start in Marburg no later than December 31 of this year; in return the State of Hesse will not pursue legal claims through court proceedings
  • A moratorium on recruitment until the end of 2014. To this end open-ended discussions on the results of the McKinsey report will be held with works councils and social partners.
  • The UKGM will take on 150 of the 367 so-called returnees as part of a personnel sharing agreement. Around 100 will remain with the State of Hesse. Early retirement options will be considered for others.
  • Beginning in 2013, RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG will start construction work on three new clinics in Giessen and Marburg and carry out essential renovation measures at other sites.
  • Increased co-determination and control rights of the State of Hesse are to be realized through four additional members of the supervisory board, a newly created advisory council and an ombudsman.
RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG is one of the largest healthcare providers in Germany. Its corporate objective is high-quality medical care for everyone. Currently, our Group counts 54 hospitals at 43 sites as well as 39 medical care centres (MVZs) throughout Germany. We employ more than 43,000 persons. In financial year 2011, more than 2.2 million patients were treated in the Group's facilities.www.rhoen-klinikum-ag.com

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Email: kommunikation@rhoen-klinikum-ag.com

Dr. Kai G. Klinger
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Phone: +49 9771 65-1318
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