Rhino Resource Partners LP announced fourth quarter cash distribution of $0.445 per common unit, or $1.78 per unit on an annualized basis. This distribution will be paid on February 14, 2014 to all common unit holders of record as of the close of business on January 31, 2014 and no distribution will be paid on the subordinated units.

The company also provided an operational update of its fourth quarter activities, including an update on the ongoing development of Pennyrile's Riveredge mine in western Kentucky. Pennyrile: Production remains on target for mid-2014. Slope development continues with 800 feet excavated on the surface, while 200 feet of the underground portion has been mined. Only an estimated 100 feet remains to access the coal seam. The mine's ventilation shaft is complete to the coal seam and crews are currently finishing the concrete divider wall. The preparation plant structure has been erected and the majority of the equipment has been set in place. Construction of the river dock and loadout has commenced and loading equipment has been purchased. The company anticipates this project will generate long term, stable and predictable cash flows similar to its Hopedale and Castle Valley operations. Utica Shale Oil and Gas: The company co-invested with Wexford Capital and Gulfport Energy ('Gulfport'), with Gulfport acting as the operator, and Rhino currently has a 5% interest in a portfolio of approximately 157,000 gross acres (7,850 net acres). Rhino's acreage is focused in the wet gas/retrograde condensate and mature oil windows of the Utica Shale play. Gulfport is currently running a 7 rig drilling program on the Utica acreage. Production continues to increase as more wells are drilled and takeaway capacity increases. Additional takeaway capacity is expected to come online in First Quarter 2014 with the Cadiz de-ethanization facility with estimated capacity of 40,000 Bbl/day and the Hopedale fractionater facility with estimated capacity of 60,000 Bbl/day. Northern Appalachia: Northern Appalachia operations produced 326,000 tons of steam coal during the fourth quarter. Coal sales were 310,000 tons and limestone sales totaled 137,000 tons. Rhino's Hopedale sales remain fully contracted through 2014. Rhino's Sands Hill operation continues to operate on a reduced production schedule to align with committed sales. Rhino Western: Rhino's Castle Valley operation produced 220,000 tons and sold 228,000 tons during the fourth quarter. Castle Valley's sales remain fully contracted through 2014. Central Appalachia: During the quarter, Central Appalachia operations produced 176,000 tons of steam coal and 120,000 tons of met coal. Met coal sales totaled 148,000 tons and steam coal sales were 185,000 tons. While the Central Appalachia region has been partially curtailed, production is continuing on several of the Partnership's lower cost Central Appalachia properties. During the fourth quarter, lessees at Rhino's Elk Horn operation produced approximately 768,000 tons from its properties.