ReTo Eco-Solutions, Inc. announced it received State-backed funding with the launch of its second high-visibility Beijing Winter Olympics Competition Zone project. The latest project launch follows ReTo's successful August 2020 launch of a wastewater treatment solution, as part of the Yanqing-to-Chongli Expressway, connecting the two competition zones for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics in the Yanqing district of Beijing and the Chongli district of Zhangjiakou. ReTo worked with Tsinghua University Academy of Fine Arts on the latest high-profile, national priority research and development plan for the project. The project features many advanced technology applications in the fields of solid waste utilization, 3-D printing, solar energy utilization, energy storage and luminescent materials. As a national priority scientific research project, it will serve as a core of the Shougang Park, the main venue of the Beijing Winter Olympics, where a series of key events will be held. Under the project plan, ReTo will develop the technology, equipment and special materials, necessary facilities in the park, and the Company will provide ongoing maintenance and management of the eco-friendly solution.