Northern Cobalt has examined results from historical rock chip sampling and drilling at the Selby Pipe Cluster, 16 km south-west of the Stanton Cobalt Deposit in the Northern Territory. Previous explorers have identified similarities between breccia pipe-like structures at the Stanton-Running Creek area and those at Selby. As part of a regional review of cobalt drill targets for the upcoming drilling campaign early this year, the company has identified Stanton-style cobalt-copper mineralisation in several structures at Selby in addition to 21 prospects at the Running Creek Pipe Cluster, (which includes the Stanton Cobalt Resource). Co-Cu and pathfinder element concentrations have been encountered in the quartz-rich Echo Sandstone at levels 10-100 times background. The Echo Sandstone and Karns Dolomite have the potential to act as good host rocks for mineralisation, similar to the sandstone host rocks encountered at Stanton. The Company plans to undertake a detailed airborne magnetic and soil sampling survey and over the region to further assess its potential. Cobalt Potential of the Selby Pipe Cluster Previous explorers at Selby, largely focussed on diamond and phosphate exploration. Historic exploration comprised a frequency-domain electro-magnetic (EM) survey, followed up by loam sampling, rock chip and stream sediment sampling, and a focussed ground gravity survey. Interpreted kimberlite targets were drill tested, but failed to identify any ultramafic material, kimberlite indicators or microdiamonds. Drilling comprised 102 holes with an average depth of 54 m (5 DDH, 97 RC). The holes were collared at or just above the Karns phosphatic sandstone horizon and then continued through into the underlying quartzose Echo Sandstone (Tawallah Group). Anomalous base metals were reported in numerous holes, but no assays were considered economic or indicative of diamondiferous kimberlite. Peak concentrations include 16% P2O5, 0.19% Cu, 0.14% Co, 0.08% Pb, 0.07% Zn, 0.3% Ba, 246 ppm Ag and 260 ppm U (all over narrow intervals, but not the same interval for all of these element peaks). Notably, high Co and Cu values were obtained at various depths, not necessarily in the near surface phosphate horizons or layers that was targeted. Poor correlation between Co-Cu and P also points to separate mineral systems. There are no drill logs available and the assay strategy is unknown, so it is possible that sandstone-hosted base metal mineralisation in this area has not been properly tested, especially at depth. Importantly, 10-100 times background Co-Cu and pathfinder element concentrations have been encountered in the quartz-rich Echo Sandstone.