Artificial intelligence enable machines to better understand the surrounding context, giving them the ability to recognise sight, sound and speech. This is made possible by machine learning algorithms. A current study by Reply, conducted with the trend platform SONAR, shows which trends are still relevant in this area.

The study highlights some aspects of the future potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Complex algorithms, Edge Computing tools that reduce latency periods and AI-specific hardware are yielding many new products and services for mobile computing, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Human-machine Interfaces. There are many different possible scenarios, and three trends play a major role in determining AI’s future as a game changer:

AI-driven analytics

In the era of digital transformation, decisions are made based on data with the help of predictive analytics. Companies in diverse industries use AI-as-a-service solutions from established providers or start-ups and increasingly purchase ‘ready-made’, AI-based business tools to achieve Amazon-style personalisation, Google-style search mechanisms and IBM Watson-style forecasting functions.

AI-infused Interfaces

Human-machine Interfaces are becoming increasingly natural and could even replace smartphones and tablets. Tech giants and newcomers are in a race for the ‘next platform’ and use AI to improve their interfaces. Consumers have come to accept user interfaces capable of conversation – especially voice-activated solutions – thanks to improved natural language processing (NLP). Additionally, progress has also been made in the area of emotional intelligence and empathetic AI; there are more and more home robots that can be individually configured with their own ‘personality’.

Intelligent automation

Artificial Intelligence is also increasingly used to automate cognitive tasks in highly diverse fields. Advanced AI-based systems improve preventative maintenance for industrial equipment and facilities and help to optimise and automate supply chain processes. Tools for Robotic Process Automation (RPA) help automate everyday rule-based business processes, so that companies can devote their energies to more important processes.

Although Artificial Intelligence and its various aspects are already a hot topic, development is still in its infancy in many practical applications. In the years to come, predictive analytics will have a major influence on the status of machines and plants through a combination of sensors, IoT platforms and AI-controlled analysis tools. Refined interfaces will increasingly close the gap in Artificial Intelligence between IQ-intensive interactions and EQ-controlled experiences and enable brand interaction at a closer, highly personalised level. Chatbots in customer service provide another way to devote time to the more relevant tasks that create value. AI Process Automation and AI-controlled decision making reduce the amount of time spent on everyday cognitive tasks.

“We are living at a time in which AI is rapidly finding its way into everyday life and the workplace; some advances happen so fast that today we can hardly imagine the things that will be possible tomorrow. The three trends identified by SONAR give companies important pointers to help them navigate some already usable transformations provided by the application of algorithms on data” says Filippo Rizzante, CTO of Reply.

To read the full study, please click here.


Reply [MTA, STAR: REY] specialises in the design and implementation of solutions based on new communication channels and digital media. Reply is a network of highly specialised companies supporting key European industrial groups operating in the telecom and media, industry and services, banking, insurance and public administration sectors in the definition and development of business models enabled for the new paradigms of big data, cloud computing, digital media and the Internet of Things. Reply services include: Consulting, System Integration and Digital Services.