Renault Group

Human Rights Policy





1 - Renault Group's Purpose states our commitments regarding key values


2 - Renault Group, committed to respecting human rights and ethical practices


3 - Renault Group, committed to Diversity and Inclusion






1.1. - Prohibition of child labour


1.2 - Prohibition of forced labour


1.3 - No harassment, violence or retaliation


1.4 - Freedom of association, dialogue and consultation with employees, effective

recognition of the right to collective bargaining




2.1 - Zero Discrimination


2.2 - Inclusive recruitment and integration of newcomers



- Equity in pay



- Internal mobility



- Performance Assessment




3.1 - Health, safety and working conditions



- Quality of life at work andwork-lifebalance



- Right to training, employability and development of employees




4.1 - Local communities and indigenous peoples' rights



- A clean, safe, accessible mobility offering


4.3 - Value chain and partnerships





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1 - Renault Group's Purpose states our commitments regarding key values

"Our spirit of innovation takes mobility further to bring people closer."

We are caring, believing in responsible progress that respects everyone.

Since 1898, our history has been written by passionate people who create innovative products in tune with popular culture and made to accompany life.

We do this because mobility is a source of fulfilment and a freedom. We believe that this freedom goes hand in hand with preserving the planet and living better together. That's why we challenge ourselves to limit our impact on the climate and on resources, and to make mobility more inclusive and safer for everyone.

We are daring, embracing the future with optimism.

We are a place where people can be themselves, playing their part in a shared adventure.

We are proud of our diversity, of our French roots and of our international presence which makes us open to the world. We are strengthened by the constructive relationships we forge with our partners. From our very beginning, our spirit of innovation has taken us further, creating value, anticipating mobility needs and bringing people closer.

2 - Renault Group, committed to respecting human rights and ethical practices

Human rights and fundamental freedoms

Ethics and sustainable development are at the core of our company's strategy. As an employer and as a carmaker, our ambition is to strive for excellence in respecting and promoting human rights.

In our actions, we ensure consistency between our Purpose, the values we apply among our employees and the way we conduct business and create a positive dynamic in our host geographies and with our partners.

Renault Group attaches particular importance to the ability of its operating entities to repair any damage related to human rights or fundamental freedom thatmay be caused by the business as quickly as possible.


Code of Ethics lays out Renault Group's commitment to establishing and expanding trust and respect among employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, and partners. All employees are expected to refer to it in their everyday work, in particular so as to protect themselves, protect stakeholders, protect Renault Group's assets and promote responsible citizenship.

Renault Group applies its stance on sustainable mobility to all its relationships with its stakeholders. Renault Group in particular makes sure that all requests from public authorities comply with its ethical commitments. Renault Group strives to reconcile the interests of stakeholders (whether the Group, its customers, shareholders, or employees) with the general interest.

3 - Renault Group, committed to Diversity and Inclusion

In accordance with Renault Group's Global Framework Agreements of 2013 and 2019, with its addendum of 2021, with the Diversity & Inclusion Charter, and with the various external commitments made by the Group (see Discrimination paragraph),

Renault Group is committed to create a favourable environment for the development and fulfilment of the employees through a proactive policy of diversity representation, coupled with an ambitious inclusion strategy. This is also an effective way to diversify experience, knowledge and expertise and thus maximise value creation within the Group. Renault Group considers that diversity within the company is an asset that creates an environment favourable to innovation and is a performance factor.

Renault Group's Diversity & Inclusion Charter encourages not only its own employees, but also its partners (service providers, suppliers, stakeholders) to embrace diversity, promote fairness and equal opportunities, stand up for non-discrimination and ensure an inclusive working environment.


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The two main objectives of the Diversity & Inclusion policy of Renault Group are:

  1. Guaranteeing respect for all and banning all forms of discrimination in daily work and at all stages of professional life: recruitment, training, remuneration, and career development, based on the Zero Discrimination policy.
  2. Placing skills and performance at the heart of the human resources policies, with the aim of integrating, developing and accompanying the employees in an equitable manner.

Renault Group's ambition is to be reference employer for diversity in general, and for women in

particular, in an automotive industry where technical professions are struggling to attract women, starting with STEM1 schools. The roadmap includes ambitious targets for increasing the representation of women throughout the group and at all levels, programmes for the development and inclusion of diversity, as well as measures and tools to combat discrimination in general and sexism in particular.

Renault Group is committed to the inclusion of persons with disabilities. In accordance with ILO Global

Business and Disability Network Charter (2022), Renault Group demonstrates its commitment by taking specific measures to reduce barriers and promote inclusive practices to ensure a safe and suitable working environment for everyone. The Group Disability Inclusion Policy has been defined with the following objectives:

  1. Develop an inclusive workplace & culture, including for disabled people.
  2. Encourage more employees to share their disability status.
  3. Be an employer of choice for everyone, including for disabled candidates.

1 Science, technology, engineering and mathematics.


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By endorsing the United Nations Women's Empowerment Principles (WEP), Renault Group reaffirms that the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights must apply equally to women and men.


1.1. - Prohibition of child labour

In accordance with the ILO Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138), with the ILO Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention,

1999 (No. 182), with the Global Framework Agreements of 2013 and 2019:

  • Renault Group prohibits the use of minors who have not reached the legal minimum age for employment in each country or region and in any case if the minors are under 15 years of age.
  • In addition to rejecting child labour, Renault Group is committed to respecting the rights of children everywhere, as set out in the 1989 International Convention on the Rights of the Child.

1.2 - Prohibition of forced labour

In accordance with the ILO Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29), with the ILO Abolition of Forced Labour Convention,

1957 (No. 105), with the Global Framework Agreements of 2013, and 2019:

  • Renault Group prohibits all forms of slavery, forced labour and human trafficking - including restriction of movement, confiscation of identity documents, withholding of wages, excessive overtime, abusive working and living conditions and debt bondage - and guarantee that all labour is voluntary and that employees are free to leave their job.

1.3 - No harassment, violence or retaliation

In accordance with Article 5 of the Declaration of Human Rights, with the 2019 Renault Group Global Framework Agreement, and with the Renault Group Diversity & Inclusion Charter:

  • Renault Group does not tolerate any form of harassment or violence in the workplace. Renault Group is committed to the strict application of the Zero Discrimination Policy and to taking proportionate measures in the event of a proven breach. An investigation procedure has been defined for the Group, deployed and adapted in each country.

In particular, in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements wherever the Group operates and with the Renault Group Code of Ethics,

  • Disciplinary measures are free from all forms of violence, corporal punishment, humiliation and treatment contrary to human dignity.
  • Renault Group prohibits and does not practice any form of retaliation against workers or any stakeholders for raising complaints or concerns.
  • Renault Group prohibits and does not practice any form of attack on Human Rights Defenders.

1.4 - Freedom of association, dialogue and consultation with employees, effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

In accordance with ILO Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), with ILO Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98), with ILO Workers' Representatives Convention, 1971 (No. 135) to prevent any form of discrimination on the grounds of trade union involvement, with Renault Group's Global Framework Agreements of 2013 and 2019, and with its addendum of 2021:


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  • Renault Group reaffirms its commitment to the strict respect of trade union freedom in terms of membership in and taking on trade union responsibilities for all its employees in each country where Renault Group is established.
  • Renault Group is committed to respecting the principles set out in the 1998 International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work: freedom of association and effective recognition of the right to negotiate.


2.1 - Zero Discrimination

In accordance with the ILO Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111), with the Women Empowerment Principles (WEP) of the United Nations (signed in 2019), with the Free and Equal Charter for tackling discrimination against LGBTIQ+ people, developed by the United Nations Human Rights Office (signed in 2020),with the Global Business and Disability Network Charter of the ILO (signed in 2022), and with the Renault Group Global Framework Agreements (2013, 2019 and 2021 Addendum), Diversity & Inclusion Charter (2022) and Zero Discrimination Policy (2024):

  • Renault Group's prohibits and strongly condemns discrimination in all its forms for everyone, regardless of their background, gender, social or ethnic origin, age, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity, and despite any disability or health problem. This implies for each and everyone not to discriminate under penalty of sanction and to warn of any known cases of discrimination.
  • The principle of respect and non-discrimination at work is embedded in the Human Resources processes (external recruitment, internal mobility, performance assessment, annual compensation review, etc) along the other principles of our company such as the performance and recognition of the performance.
  • To accompany its non-discrimination policy and guarantee the "Zero Discrimination Zone", Renault Group has set-up Zero Discrimination Pack comprising various tools to enable preventing, identifying and combating discrimination. This comprehensive kit aims to accompany Human Resources and managers in a handy manner: with answers or solutions for specific cases according to each situation.

2.2 - Inclusive recruitment and integration of newcomers

In accordance with the Zero Discrimination Policy of the Group (2024), with the different external commitments taken and besides the ambitious recruitment objectives to increase the representation of the diversity and particularly of women in the organization:

  • Renault Group has implemented an Inclusive Recruitment Policy with specific tools and trainings for all the recruiters, including the managers, in order to guarantee the respect of equal opportunities from the attraction of the candidates and throughout the entire process of recruitment, until the choice of the final candidate.
  • Our vision for diversity in the teams and our commitment to inclusion are promoted in our induction programmes for new employees. Each new employee undertakes to acknowledge the Diversity & Inclusion Charter upon joining the company and to comply with its principles.

2.3 - Equity in pay

In accordance with the ILO Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100) and with the Renault Group Global Framework Agreement of 2013, and Diversity & Inclusion Charter of 2022:

  • Renault Group respects internationally recognized workers' rights and complies with all applicable labour laws, in particular with regard to wages, which must be at least equal to the country's minimum wage for equivalent work, the objective being to promote a decent wage, as envisaged by the ILO.
  • Renault Group has set itself the goal of neutralizing the pay gap between women and men by 2025 in all the countries through the implementation of action plans during the annual compensation review campaigns. Every year, the Group measures the average salary difference between its women and men employees in similar positions by using the Gender Pay Gap indicator and proceeds to salary adjustments if needed. By closely monitoring the indicator at every mobilities, the teams ensure that employees have, on average, equal pay for similar positions, regardless the gender.


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2.4 - Internal mobility

As for the external recruitment, the principles of Diversity & Inclusion are key to the internal mobility policy: compliance with diversity, non-discrimination and equal opportunities. Any employee with an internal mobility project, and who has been in his or her position for at least two years, may apply for an internal job offer.

2.5 - Performance Assessment

The performance management policy also reflects the company's commitment to assess each employee objectively and fairly. The same steps in the performance cycle apply, on an annual basis, to each employee, from setting objectives to the final evaluation. Performance appraisal is done once a year for everyone. Regular feedback is fostered throughout the year to ensure unbiased monitoring of performance. People Review HR committees also ensure fairness in the assessment.


3.1 - Health, safety and working conditions

In accordance with ILO Convention No. 155 on the safety and health of workers of 1981, with the Renault Group Global Framework Agreements of 2013, and 2019, and with its addendum of 2021,

  • Renault Group reaffirms its commitment to strict compliance with the Group policy set out in the document entitled "Health and Safety at Work Policy" (2021) and with the local agreements signed as part of the implementation of remote working arrangements. Our ambition: zero work-related accidents and illnesses. Our commitment is to provide a safe and healthy workplace for all those involved in our activities. To this end, we proactively apply the principle of continuous improvement with a focus on prevention.

One Health

Renault Group makes health and well-being two absolute priorities. Therefore, the Group designed a universal programme, One Health, to provide all employees worldwide with the best tools and services for taking care of themselves, with all the confidentiality that health requires.

4 key commitments:

  • Act: to encourage everyone to take action for their own health, by providing dedicated tools and resources,
  • Check: to offer professional medical check-ups and monitoring, both digital and in-person,
  • Protect: to provide high-quality health cover, in particular for cardio-vascular diseases and cancer,
  • Support: in addition to the implementation of the "Health and Safety at work Policy", provide a 24/7 psychological assistance program for both employees and their families,

Roll-out started in 2024.

3.2 - Quality of life at work and work-lifebalance

Maximum working time, holiday entitlement, right to disconnect

In accordance with the national laws and practices of the countries where Renault Group operates, with the Global Framework Agreements of 2013 and 2019 and with its addendum of 2021,

  • Renault Group grants its employees the right to paid leave,
  • Renault Group limits the normal working hours for employees whose working hours are controlled to 48 hours per week (or less than 48 hours if local law, collective agreements or branch agreements so provide).
  • Renault Group reaffirms its commitment to strict compliance with policies on the organization of working time, working hours and rest periods, developed within the framework of national legislation and local conditions for social dialogs.
  • Moreover, Renault Group is committed to providing all its employees with an environment and working relationships conducive to the improvement of their quality of life at work, while addressing the work-life balance. Working environments are progressively becoming more flexible and, by improving the quality of life at work, strengthen the company's performance through adjustments to work organisation. Renault Group's new hybrid work organisation, whenever the job in question allows, aims to get the best out of both on-site and remote working. It is based on the principles of flexibility, of empowerment and of autonomy.


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  • Finally, Renault Group is committed to respecting the right of each employee to choose whether to go online outside of their usual working hours and during their holiday periods. During these same periods, they are not obliged to respond to any e-mails or telephone calls they receive and must ensure that they limit their own e- mails and calls to exceptional emergencies, in particular those that have an impact on the safety of employees and/or customers.

3.3 - Right to training, employability and development of employees

In accordance with Renault Group's Global Framework Agreements of 2013 and 2019, and with the 2021 Addendum:

  • Renault Group is committed to promoting the employability of its employees, in particular through ReKnow University, which develops innovative training courses on the skills of tomorrow (electrical, circular economy, data, AI and cybersecurity) in collaboration with industrial and academic partners. Initially based in France, ReKnow University is developing its activities internationally.
  • Renault Group offers a wide range of career and development opportunities so that each employee can grow and develop according to his or her desires and the evolution of the professions. Every year, in the context of the Career and Development interview, each employee discusses with his or her manager his or her career development aspirations and individual development plan. The Human Resources (HR) function and managers also discuss career development and individual development paths in the HR People and Talent Review committees, to support employees in their development.
  • The Learning & Development teams adapt training courses to operational needs and are also committed to increasing accessibility to the training offer while developing new training practices. For example, the digitalisation of the training offer facilitates access to training, particularly for employees who are far from our training centres.


4.1 - Local communities and indigenous peoples' rights

In accordance with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2007 (UNDRIP) and local regulations in terms of property rights:

  • Renault Group works to minimize potential negative impacts and encourage positive impacts of its projects on local communities and indigenous peoples. In particular,
    o In case of a new project with potential impact on indigenous peoples, RG is committed to respecting the right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC)
    o The safety of its employees and facilities must never be exercised at the expense of respect for the human rights of local communities and indigenous peoples.
  • Renault Group develops activities with a positive impact and involving all stakeholders in the territories, and on each site where the Group has a significant weight and influence on its immediate environment, it aims to establish a development plan for local communities based on a precise analysis of impacts. In addition, in accordance with the 2019 Global Framework Agreement, employees who wish to become involved with solidarity-based associations and enterprises have specific arrangements, in compliance with local laws, for the time spent on these activities.

4.2 - A clean, safe, accessible mobility offering

Renault Group's ambition is to make clean, safe mobility accessible to as many people as possible in each country where the Group is established:

  • Renault Group, an inclusive company, contributes to removing social, physical, cognitive and financial barriers to mobility so that each individual is able to move freely and thus access a job and develop social ties.
  • Safe mobility according to Renault: alongside its suppliers, Renault Group is committed to manufacturing and marketing products that meet or exceed the regulations in force in each country of operation.
  • Clean mobility according to Renault: Renault Group is committed to offering innovative mobility solutions while preventing and continuously reducing the environmental footprint of activities, services and products throughout their life cycle. The priority areas of Renault Group's environmental policy are climate, resources, ecosystems, biodiversity and health.


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4.3 - Value chain and partnerships

In accordance with the Renault Group CSR Guidelines for Suppliers (2023), the Global Framework Agreement (2013), the Renault Group Green Procurement Guidelines (2023), and the Renault Group policy on the supply of cobalt and minerals from conflicts or high-risk areas (2019),

  • The expectations for RG suppliers in terms of Human Rights commitments derive from this Human Rights Policy,
  • Renault Group requests its suppliers and subcontractors to commit, in writing, to respecting the Group's expectations of its supply chain in terms of health, safety, human rights and labour law, the environment, compliance, and non-disclosure of information and to deploy them with their own suppliers.
  • Renault Group asks its suppliers and subcontractors to commit to the implementation of employees' fundamental rights in their own companies and encourages them to do the same with their own suppliers. If necessary, corrective action plans are put in place with the support of Renault Group.
  • Renault Group measures the CSR performance of its suppliers and published the performance of the top 500 suppliers (which account for approximately 95% of the total purchasing of parts)
  • Renault Group has incorporated compliance with social and environmental requirements into its supplier selection and relations standards. ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) assessment of suppliers is therefore included in the selection criteria, alongside quality, cost, delay, development, management, and risk.
  • Renault Groups publishes a Vigilance Plan yearly, to report on the identification of ESG risks in the supply chain and associated mitigation measures and action plans.


Renault Group operates a system for alerting and collecting reports on, among other domains, the existence of risks or harms relating to violations of human rights.

Alerts can be issued on the WhistleB platform.WhistleB is available in 14 languages. It enables all current and former Renault Group employees, as well as candidates, shareholders, external or occasional employees and contractors, to send reports in complete confidentiality to the Professional Alert Department (in France) or to the Ethics and Compliance officers in the subsidiaries and countries, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

WhistleB is intended to complement other channels to report alerts and grievances, namely trade unions, management lines, human resources teams, the Ethics and Compliance Department.


July 2024


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Renault SA published this content on 15 July 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 15 July 2024 13:17:03 UTC.