Certain Ordinary Shares of Ramssol Group Berhad are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 13-JUL-2024. These Ordinary Shares will be under lockup for 1096 days starting from 13-JUL-2021 to 13-JUL-2024.

The moratorium applies to the Promoters? entire shareholdings for a period of 6 months from the date of admission to the ACE Market (?First 6-Month Moratorium?). Upon the expiry of the First 6-Month Moratorium, the Promoters? aggregate shareholdings amounting to at least 45.0% of the enlarged issued share capital remain under moratorium for a further 6 months (?Second 6-Month Moratorium?); and upon the expiry of the Second 6-Month Moratorium, Promoters may sell, transfer or assign up to a maximum of one-third (1 / 3) per annum (on a straight-line basis) of their Shares held under moratorium. In addition to the moratorium to be complied by the Promoters, Wong Kum Loong, Liew Yu Hoe and the Pre-IPO Investors (except the Related Parties) are also subject to voluntary moratorium for a period of 12 months from the Listing Date.