Rambler Metals and Mining plc provided an update on the ore pre-concentration test work completed to date. As part of ongoing technical evaluation of expanding the Ming Mine beyond the current planned 1,250 metric tones per day ('mtpd') mining rate, the Company has been investigating Dense Media Separation ('DMS') as a pre-concentration step before milling of the ore in the processing plant. In 2016 approximately 2,200 dry metric tones ('dmt') of run of mine low grade material (~0.8% copper) was processed. This material yielded 1,457 dmt of plant feed material with a grade of 1.14% copper. This represents a 1.4X increase of grade in this pre-concentration step recovering 93.6% of the total contained copper prior to milling. The 2016 DMS program was focused on further testing of the LFZ and MMS zones to determine the impact of scale up on performance of the DMS process. At Nugget Pond, the on-site demonstration plant operated from September to November 2016 and the same time period in 2015. During the 2016 program, 2,237 dmt of feed material was processed from the Ming Mine. The feed materials included Lower Footwall Zone ('LFZ'), massive sulphide zones ('MMS'), and a blended feed of LFZ and MMS with copper grades averaging 0.80%. Over the 2016 test period, 1,457 dmt of pre-concentrate were produced, representing a 33% mass rejection, at a copper grade of 1.14%. In terms of grade improvement, this represents an upgrade ratio of 1.42. Copper recoveries in the DMS plant averaged 93.6% during the same period. The table below highlight the results of 2016 and 2015 onsite demonstration programs along with previous external results. The Ming Mine pre-concentration test programs have been developed, and partially funded, with the assistance of the Research & Development Corporation of Newfoundland and Labrador.