PTTEP receives Charta Peduli 2014 for its free clinic in Indonesia
16 Jan 15

PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP) represented by Titi Thongjen, General Manager of the company's subsidiaries in Indonesia (left), received Charta Peduli 2014 for TOP CSR Free Medical Services from Zaim Uchrowi, Corporate Secretary and co-founder of Dompet Dhuafa Foundation (right), Indonesia's leading non-profit organization mainly active in wide range of social projects for the Indonesian people. PTTEP last year established Layanan Klinik Cuma-Cuma, a free health services center, to serve the poor or underpriviledged Indonesian community in Rorotan, North Jakarta. The award ceremony recently took place in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Grouped in to four categories; Education, Health, Economic, and Charity and Disaster, the Charta Peduli award is presented to companies that contribute to the Indonesian society through their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects.

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