To comply with the provisions of article 49 paragraph (1) Jo Article 51 paragraph (2) of regulation of the Financial Services Authority number 15/POJK.04/2020 regarding The Plan and the Implementation of the General Meeting of Shareholders of Public Company ("POJK 15/2020"), PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk, the company established under the legislation of the Republic of Indonesia, domiciled in Tangerang District and its headquarter at Grha Unilever, Green Office Park Kav 3, Jalan BSD Boulevard Barat, BSD City, Tangerang, Banten, 15345 ("the Company") hereby announce The Summary of Minutes of The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders ("Meeting").

Summary of minutes of this Meeting contains information in accordance with the provisions of article 51 paragraph (1) of POJK 15/2020 as follows:

A. Meeting date, venue of Meeting, time of Meeting and agenda item of the Meeting

The date of the Meeting: Thursday 20th June 2024 and the venue was at Grha Unilever, Green Office Park Kav. 3, Jalan BSD Boulevard West, BSD City, Tangerang, Banten 15345.

Meeting time:13.39 WIB to 14.53 WIB

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Ratification on the Financial Statements of the Company and Approval on the Annual Report of the Company including the report on the supervisory duties of the Board of Commissioners of the Company for the accounting year ended on 31 December 2023.
  2. Determination of the appropriation of the profit of the Company for the accounting year ended on 31 December 2023.
  3. Approval of the Designation of a Public Accountant and/or Public Accounting Office to audit the books of the Company for the accounting year ending on 31 December 2024 and determination of the honorarium, and other terms of their designation.
  4. a. Re-appointments and appointments of members of the Board of Directors of the Company
    1. Changes on composition of Directors of the Company
    2. Determination of remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of the Company for the accounting year ended on 31 December 2024.
  1. Attendance of the Members of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company

Physical attendance:

The Board of Commissioners:

President Commissioner

: Mr. Sanjiv Mehta

Independent Commissioner

: Mr. Alexander Rusli;

Independent Commissioner

: Mrs. Debora Herawati Sadrach;

Independent Commissioner

: Mr. Fauzi Ichsan; and

Independent Commissioner

: Mr. Ignasius Jonan.

The Board of Directors:

Presiden Director

: Mr. Benji Yap


: Mr. Ainul Yaqin;


: Mrs. Amaryllis Esti Wijono;


: Mrs. Enny Hartati;


: Mrs .Nurdiana Darus;


: Mr. Vivek Agarwal; and


: Mr. Willy Saelan.

  1. The amount of share with a valid voting right which present or represented during the Meeting and the percentage from the entire share issued by the Company which is in the amount of 38,150,000,000 shares are as follow:

Number of shares



  1. The opportunity to raise question and/or opinion on the agenda of the Meeting
    At the end of the discussion of the Meeting, the Chairman of the Meeting has provided the opportunity for shareholders or their proxies who are present in the Meeting both physically and electronically to raise questions and/or provide opinions. In the Meeting there were 5 shareholders or their proxy who raised any question and/or opinion.
  2. Voting mechanism in the Meeting
    In accordance with the provisions of Article 15 paragraph 8 of the Articles of Association of the Company, the decision submitted for all agenda of the Meeting must be taken based on deliberation for consensus. If no consensus can be reached, then the decision of the Meeting must be taken 1/2 (one-half) part of the number of validly issued votes in the Meeting. Decisions for all agenda items of the Meeting are taken based on closed voting and unbundling.

The proposed resolutions for all of Agenda of the Meeting had been validly approved through a voting mechanism, with the result as set out in part F below.

  1. Voting Result of the Meeting.
    The votes cast in the voting for decision of all Agenda of the Meeting have been calculated and validated by an independent party, namely Mr. Syarifudin, S.H., a Notary, with a percentage of the number of shares whose holders are present or represented at the Meeting shown in the table as follows:
    (i) voting of the first agenda of the Meeting









shares representing






(ii) voting of the second agenda of the Meeting




shares representing






(iii) voting of the third agenda of the Meeting





shares representing






(iv) voting of the fourth agenda letter a of the Meeting




and appointments




of members of the









the Company

(v) voting of the fourth agenda letter b of the Meeting



















(v) voting of the fourth agenda letter c of the Meeting








shares representing



the members of the




Board of Directors

and the

Board of








year ended on 31

December 2024

  1. Resolutions of the Meeting
    G.1 First Agenda of the Meeting
    1 To approve ratification on the Financial Statements of the Company and Approval on the Annual Report of the Company including the report on the supervisory duties of the Board of Commissioners of the Company for the accounting year ended on 31 December 2023;

G.2 Second Agenda of the Meeting

1. Distributing the final dividen from net profit from the end of the Fiscal Year dated 31st December 2023 and from the Company's retained earnings from previous years which is IDR77 (seventy seven Rupiah) per share or the whole total of IDR2,937,550,000,000 (two trillion nine hundred thirty seven billion five hundred fifty million Rupiah) ("Final Dividen"), to the shareholders/owners of

(thirty eight billion one hundred and fifty million) Company Shares whose names are recorded in the Company Shareholders' List on 2 July 2024 at 16:00 West Indonesia Time ("Shareholders Who Have the Right"), in accordance paying attention to the regulations stipulated in PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (Indonesia Stock Exchange), with due observance of the regulations of the Indonesia Stock Exchange, bearing in mind that the Company shares that are collaboratively placed, with the following terms applied:

  • Cum Dividen in the Regular Market and Negotiation on 28 June 2024;
  • Ex Dividen in the Regular Market and Negotiation on 1 July 2024;
  • Cum Dividen in the Cash Market Place on 2 July 2024; and
  • Ex Dividen in the CashMarket on 3 July 2024.

2. Validation of interim dividen shares for the 2023 Fiscal Year from net profits of the Company that ends on 31st December 2023 as much as IDR63 (sixty three Rupiah) per share or the overall sum of IDR2,403,450,000,000 (two trillion four hundred three billion four hundred fifty million Rupiah of shareholders/owners of (thirty eight billion one hundred and fifty million), of Company shares whose names are listed in the Company Shareholder List on 8th December 2023 at 16:00 West Indonesia Time and payment has been implemented on 19th December 2023.

Therefore, the Company dividen that will be received by the Company Shareholders for the end of the Fiscal Year on 31st December 2023 will be IDR140 (one hundred fourty Rupiah) per share or the total amount of IDR5.341.000.000.000 (five trillion three hundred forty one billion Rupiah).

Payment of Final Dividen to the Shareholders who have the Right, will be implemented on 18 July 2024 at the latest.

Shareholders who have the Right; but whose shares have not been placed collectively into the Securities Depository Services (PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia - KSEI), the payment of the Final Dividen will occur when the book-entry settlement (bank transfer) has been implemented to each of the Shareholders who have the Right.

For the implementation of book-entry settlement, the Shareholders that have the Right to shares that have not been placed collectively at KSEI are asked to inform the name of their banks and account numbers which is, in their name (Shareholders who have the Right), in writing to the Bureau of Securities Administration (Biro Administrasi Efek Perseroan - BAE), PT Sharestar Indonesia, with the address of SOPO DEL Office Tower & Lifestyle Tower B Lantai 18, Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat III, Lot 10.1-6,Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950 or to the Shareholder with the latest date of 2 July 2024 at 16:00 West Indonesia Time.

For Shareholders who have the Right whose shares have been placed collectively at

KSEI, the Final Dividen will be distributed/transferred through the shareholders' bank account of KSEI according to the procedural rules of the policies in place.

Dividen Taxes will be implemented for the Final Dividen distribution according to the valid polices in place and will be withheld by the Company.

Shareholders who are Domestic Tax Payers in the form of Legal Entity, are required to convey their Tax Payment Identification Number (NPWP) to the KSEI, with the

address of Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia, Tower I Lt. 5 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Lot 52-53 Jakarta 12190 or to the Biro Administrasi Efek Perseroan (Bureau of Securities Administration), PT Sharestar Indonesia, on 2 July 2024 up to 16:00 West Indonesia Time at the latest.

Shareholders who are Foreign Tax Payers and require exemption or Income Tax Tarif Deduction- Paragraph 26 (PPh Pasal 26), should be Tax Payers of a "Treaty Country Partner", with the following Terms and Conditions:

  1. If the Shareholder's shares in the Company is not included in the collective placement at the KSEI, the Shareholders should disperse the original Certificate of Domicile or photocopy of the Certificate of Domicile that has been legalized by the Biro Administrasi Efek Perseroan (Bureau of Securities Administration), which is PT Sharestar Indonesia; and
  2. If the shares of the Shareholder in the Company has been entered into the collective placement at KSEI, the Shareholder will therefore, need to handover their Certificate of Domicile or photocopy of the Certificate of Domicile that has been legalized by KSEI, through a participant that has been appointed by the Foreign Shareholder.

The handover of the Certificate of Domicile should be implemented on 2 July 2024 up to 16:00 West Indonesia Time at the latest.

  1. Giving the authority to the Company Directors to implement the Final Dividen distribution and for this reason alone, will implement all actions needed including but not limited to announcing the final dividend distribution on the Company's
  2. Determine the remaining profit balance that has not been placed as reserve by the Company after payment of the said Final Dividen above has been made, and has been recorded as the Company profit balance that has not be made as reserve for the next Fiscal Year.

G.3 Third Agenda of the Meeting

1. to appoint the Public Accountant of Kartika Singodimejo (Akuntan Publik Kartika Singodimejo), licensed as Public Accountant No. AP.0847 and Public Accountant Office Siddharta Widjaja & Partner, member of the KPMG Firm, each as the Public Accountant and Public Accountant Office to audit the Company Books for end of the Fiscal Year on 31st December 2024.

2. giving authority to the Board of Commissioners to determine the honorarium for the Public Accountant and Public Accountant Office as well as other Terms and Conditions that has been delivered.

G.4 Fourth Agenda of the Meeting

The first item of the fourth agenda is as follows:

1. Confirming that the composition of board Directors of the Company, effective from the closing of the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held in 2027,

as well as not reducing the Rights of the General Meeting of Shareholders to terminate at any point in time as follows:

- President Commissioner

: Mr. Sanjiv Mehta;

- Independent Commissioner

: Mr. Alexander Rusli;

- Independent Commissioner

: Mrs. Alissa Wahid;

- Independent Commissioner

: Mrs. Debora Herawati Sadrach;

- Independent Commissioner

: Mr. Fauzi Ichsan; and

- Independent Commissioner

: Mr. Ignasius Jonan;

The second item of the fourth agenda is as follows:

2. Confirming that the composition of board Directors of the Company,

effective since 25 May 2024 until the closing of the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held in 2026, as well as not reducing the Rights of the General Meeting of Shareholders to terminate at any point in time as follows:

  • President Director : Mr. Benjie Yap;
  • Director: Mr. Ainul Yaqin ;
  • Director : Mrs. Enny Hartati;
  • Director : Mrs. Hernie Raharja;
  • Director : Mr.Vivek Agarwal;
  • Director : Mrs. Amaryllis Esti Wijono;
  • Director: Mrs. Nurdiana Darus; and
  • Director : Mr. Willy Saelan.

effective since the closing of the Meeting until the closing of the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held in 2026, as well as not reducing the Rights of the General Meeting of Shareholders to terminate at any point in time as follows:

  • President Director : Mr. Benjie Yap;
  • Director: Mr. Ainul Yaqin ;
  • Director : Mrs. Enny Hartati;
  • Director : Mrs. Hernie Raharja;
  • Director : Mr. Vivek Agarwal; and
  • Director : Mr. Willy Saelan;

3. to confer power of attorney to the Board of Directors of the Company and/or Mr. Enrico Sihotang, private, both together and or individually to:

  1. Declare part or all of the decisions taken for the agenda of this Meeting before the Notary in Indonesian and/or English;
  2. Notify the composition of the Boards of Directors of the Company as decided in the agenda of the Meeting to the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia and register them in the Company Register in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and
  3. Make changes and/or additions if required for the above purposes, without any exceptions.

This power of attorney is granted with the following conditions:

  1. This power of attorney is granted with the right to delegate to another party;
  2. This power of attorney is valid since the closing of the Meeting; and
  3. The Meeting agreed to ratify all actions carried out by the proxy under this power of attorney.

The third item of the agenda of the fourth agend are as follows:

  1. Approved the salary adjustments and benefits for the Members of the Board of Commissioners by increasing no more than 3% (three percent) from the sum of salary and benefits from 2023 and giving the full power of attorney to the Company President of Commissioner to determine the effective date of such increase to be applied and detail on allocation of the division for each member of the Company's
    Board of Commissioners.
  2. Provide full power of attorney and full authority to the Company's Board of
    Commissioners to determine the amount of remuneration for members of the
    Company's Board of Directors for the end of the Fiscal Year on 31 Desember 2024 and detailed allocation of the division for each member of the Company's Board of

Hereby the Summary of Minutes has been prepared pursuant to the provision of Article 49 paragraph (1) jo Article 51 paragraph (2) of POJK No. 15/2020.

Tangerang, 21 June 2024

The Board of Directors of the Company


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PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk published this content on 21 June 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 21 June 2024 15:27:09 UTC.