Sudamala: From Epilog Calonarang Performance,

Pasar Kangen, and Royal Heritage Dinner at Pura Mangkunegaran Solo

Jakarta, 24 May 2023 - After successfully held the traditional theater performance of Sudamala: From Epilog Calonarang last year at the National Archives Building in Jakarta, Titimangsa will once again collaborate with Katadata and Pura Mangkunegaran Solo, supported by Bank Central Asia (BCA), to present the collaboration "Satu dalam Cita".

Satu dalam Cita is a series of events that consist of SUDAMALA Performance: Starting from Epilog Calonarang (June 24 & 25, 2023), Pasar Kangen (June 23-25, 2023), Royal Heritage Dinner (June 23-25, 2023), and other cultural activities hold at Pura Mangkunegaran, Solo.

Sudamala Producers, Nicholas Saputra and Happy Salma, have discussed with Gde Bayu Putra, Assistant Producer, to bring Sudamala the traditional theater performance outside of Jakarta. According to Nicholas Saputra and Happy Salma, Sudamala will return because following the successful performance last year in Jakarta and considered has a performance value that is relevant to the current context.

"The three of us have agreed to hold the Sudamala performance in Solo, specifically at Pura Mangkunegaran. Because, for us, this place is very ideal as it has a high historical value and is very open to accepting various forms of diverse culture from different regions," said Nicholas Saputra and Happy Salma.

Based on that, Nicholas Saputra and Happy Salma have long been in communication with the Mangkunegaran institution, which later in its journey partnered with Katadata. Titimangsa, Pura Mangkunegaran, and Katadata share the same feelings, perspectives, and concerns about the value of diversity and collaboration in the Indonesian archipelago.

In a historical context, the spirit of diversity and collaboration is clearly seen in the close relationship between Javanese and Balinese cultures, which has been established since 1929 by Tjokorda Gde Raka Sukawati, who visited Solo to attend the fifth Java Instituut Congress and delivered a speech about Balinese culture.

"Fundamentally, Javanese and Balinese peoples come from the same roots. In Mangkunegaran itself, during my great-grandfather era, KGPAA Mangkunegara VII, many cultural relationships were built with the kingdoms in Bali around the 1930s and 1940s," said KGPAA Mangkoenagoro X.

"We see the past not only as a memory but as a foundation for the present and the future. The Sudamala performance, which collaborates with Titimangsa and Bali's maestros and artists, is part of an effort to revive the cultural relationship between Mangkunegaran and Bali."

KGPAA Mangkoenagoro X added, "This is also in line with our vision to make Mangkunegaran a cultural hub for all of Indonesia, even the world. Mangkunegaran is a place to celebrate culture and show that diversity actually strengthens our connections with each other."

CEO & Co-Founder of Katadata, Metta Dharmasaputra, said that as a data-based media company, Katadata has a responsibility to foster the spirit of diversity and to develop and promote cultural literacy to the public. This is not only done through news and information content but also through organizing various events.

"The first collaboration between Katadata and Pura Mangkunegaran happened when carry out the Adeging Pura Mangkunegaran on last March, which also featured Happy Salma reading Babad Mangkunegaran," said Metta. "From this event, the plan for the next collaboration with Pura Mangkunegaran and Titimangsa to hold the series of events SATU DALAM CITA was conceived, consisting of the Sudamala dance performance, Pasar Kangen, and Royal Heritage Dinner."

"Satu dalam Cita" is also presented by Bank BCA as the main sponsor of this event. EVP Corporate Communication and Social Responsibility of BCA, Hera F. Haryn explained that BCA's participation is based on the spirit to preserve the Indonesian cultural heritage.

"We are very proud to be trusted to take part in the collaboration 'Satu dalam Cita,' which includes Epilog Calonarang Sudamala performance, Pasar Kangen, and Royal Heritage Dinner. As a national bank, BCA is committed to contributing to the preservation and celebration of arts and culture because both play an equally vital role as banking in shaping a dynamic and inclusive life and civilization. We hope this performance can increase people's love, especially the younger generation, for the richness and cultural identity of the Indonesian archipelago and inspire them to preserve it. We also expect this cultural action to become the epicenter of the creative economy movement, improving the welfare of artists in the country and stimulating the economic multiplier effect, ultimately contributing to the national economic growth," concluded Hera.

Since 2012, BCA has consistently preserved Indonesian cultural heritage through its CSR program called Bakti Budaya BCA. Various initiatives have been carried out by BCA through Bakti Budaya BCA to raise awareness among the younger generation and the community about the arts in Indonesia and to emerging a love for preserving and creating an impact on cultural communities welfare growth.

This program is also sponsored by OPPO Indonesia, Grab as the official transport partner, and Mitsubishi Motors, Drive your ambition. Additionally, it is supported by the Surakarta City Government, Solo The Spirit of Java, as well as the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Siberkreasi National Digital Literacy Movement.

Patrick Owen, Chief Marketing Officer of OPPO Indonesia, said, "This is OPPO's continuous support for the Sudamala performance. Seeing the success of last year, we are very excited about this year's performance, which will be hold at one of Indonesia's historic sites. As a brand that supports the creative industry, OPPO is proud to be part of this extraordinary performance. It is one of OPPO's commitments to develop and grow together with the creative individuals in the country, while supporting the preservation of cultural diversity in the digital era.

With the latest technology in the OPPO Find N2 Flip, the performers can record the production process for evaluation or even during the performance more for documentation effectively, especially because this flip phone allows for creative and unique angles for capturing images, and its battery life supports the overall production process and performance. OPPO hopes to continue collaborating with various parties and continue to innovate in providing technology that supports its users."

Richard Aditya, the Director of West Indonesia at Grab Indonesia, said, "Grab is delighted to collaborate with Titimangsa again to present Sudamala: From Epilog Calonarang, which will be hold in Solo this time. Grab hopes to support the local economy through this performance. This is also in line with our GrabForGood mission to create social impact and improve the lives and income opportunities of people in the places where we operate."

Grab believes that supporting the preservation of Indonesian cultural heritage through artistic events and folk festivals will have a positive impact on the local economy and the lives of local communities.

As the official transport partner of Sudamala: From Epilog Calonarang performance, Grab will also provide special promotions for GrabCar and GrabBike that can be used by consumers in Solo during the period of June 23-25, 2023, making it easier and more convenient to travel to the event location and return home. During this period, consumers can get discounts for their trips by using the promo code "GRABSUDAMALA" in the Grab app.

Mitsubishi Motors continues to support everyone's Life's Adventure with various ambitions to be achieved through our products and services, one of which is supporting the Sudamala performance to preserve Indonesian culture. We hope this performance becomes an important part of efforts to enhance the existence of culture and traditional performances for the general public.

In addition, this program is supported by PT. Telkom Indonesia, Galeri Indonesia Kaya, and Menzel Ubud Hotel. This collaboration also involves several media partners such as Harper's Bazaar, Her World Indonesia, Cosmopolitan Indonesia, Brava Radio, Mother & Beyond, i-radio Jakarta,, and The Press Conference venue for "Satu dalam Cita" is supported by Hutan Kota by Plataran.

Sudamala: From Epilog Calonarang

Sudamala: Dari Epilog Calonarang performance is a collaborative work involving 90 artists and maestros from Bali and other cities, presented at Pamedan Pura Mangkunegaran. It tells the story of Walu Nateng Dirah, a woman with extraordinary power and knowledge, feared by many, including the reigning king at that time, Airlangga. This also caused not many young men to dare to approach his beloved daughter, Ratna Manggali. Walu Nateng Dirah was deeply disappointed and expressed her sorrow by spreading various plagues. Her wounded heart was temporarily healed when Ratna Manggali married Mpu Bahula.

However, their marriage life was tarnished by Mpu Bahula. He was actually a messenger of the priests loyal to King Airlangga, who took the powerful scriptures belonging to Walu Nateng Dirah, which eventually fell into the hands of Mpu Bharada. Walu Nateng Dirah was disappointed and furious, and her anger caused a plague that affected many people. After Mpu Bharada recognized the knowledge possessed by Walu Nateng Dirah, he challenged her to a duel of knowledge in order to resolve the disaster and plague that had befallen them.

Who will win in this battle?

Will it be Walu Nateng Dirah, the disappointed powerful woman?

Or will it be Mpu Bharada, a sacred Brahmin, the beloved priest of King Airlangga?

Production Team

Producer : Happy Salma, Nicholas Saputra

Assistant Producer: Cokorda Gde Bayu Putra

Director & Cast of Walu Nateng Dirah : Jro Mangku Serongga (I Made Mertanadi)

Dramaturg : Wawan Sofwan

Artistic Director : Iskandar Loedin

Music : I Wayan Sudirana dan Gamelan Yuganada

Custome Designer: Anak Agung Ngurah Anom Mayun K. Tenaya, Retno Ratih Damayanti

Production Manager : Pradetya Novitri

Royal Heritage Dinner

Date: June 23-25, 2023 at Pracima Tuin

Bringing the classical ambiance of a 266-year-old royal feast accompanied by traditional Mangkunegaran music and dance performances choreographed by Eko Supriyanto.

We also have the opportunity to cleanse ourselves by witnessing the ruwat murwakala dance, a ritual of self-liberation from the disturbances of Batara Kala, while enjoying authentic Javanese dishes combined with Balinese cuisine.

Participants will also have a special opportunity to meet and greet the producer of the Sudamala performance, Nicholas Saputra, and Happy Salma.

Pasar Kangen

Date: June 23-25, 2023 at Pamedan Pura Mangkunegaran Solo

Pasar Kangen is an annual event held in Yogyakarta since 2007, bringing together traditions, culinary delights, arts, and creativity in a nostalgic package that can be enjoyed by people. Now Pasar Kangen is hold at Pamedan Pura Mangkunegaran, featuring approximately 60 MSME from Solo and its surroundings.

Ruwat Bumi Pura Mangkunegaran

June 24 2023, at Pura Mangkunegaran

Ruwatan in the island of Java, particularly at Pura Mangkunegaran, is a ceremony aimed at removing negativity or saving something from disturbance. Ruwat Bumi Pura Mangkunegaran takes the form of a ruwat wayang performance held in front of Pendhapi Ageng, which can be witnessed by the palace attendants and the general public. Additionally, there will be offerings presented during the ruwat ceremony, such as gunungan (mountain-shaped offerings), tumpeng (cone-shaped rice dish), and others.


June 23-25, 2023

The Mangkunegaran Workshop is a kind of training for participants interested in the cultural arts of Mangkunegaran, including:

  • Dance Workshop
  • Karawitan Workshop (Javanese traditional music)
  • Mask Workshop
  • Batik Workshop

Sudamala Tour

June 23-25, 2023

Some people desire inner peace, tranquility, and prosperity in order to be free from anger and worldly desires that lead to their sins. One of the means to achieve this is through self-purification through meditation. The opportunity for meditation is presented in the Sudamala Tour at Sukuh Temple. Participants of the tour can also explore Sukuh Temple and Cetho Temple, and enjoy the favorite dishes of K.G.P.A.A Mangkoenagoro IX at Bale Branti Kemuning.

Exhibition of Historical Collection on the Relationship between Mangkunegaran and Bali

June 23-25, 2023, at Candi Ratna Building, Pura Mangkunegaran

In addition to documented historical records in pictures and official letters, the relationship between Pura Mangkunegaran and Bali can also be found through historical collections that are still preserved to this day. Some of the collections include: Balinese Wayang (shadow puppets) & Gapit, Balinese Keris (traditional dagger), Balinese Masks, Deity Sculptures, Kelapa Buta (Blind Coconut), Ivory Carvings with Balinese-style Ramayana, Javanese-Balinese Paintings, Carvings on the hanging lamps in Pracimayasa."


Ticket Order Information : 085216578851


Sekilas Tentang Titimangsa

Secara harfiah, Titimangsa merujuk pada titian proses perjalanan dalam waktu yang tepat. Titimangsa didirikan oleh Happy Salma bersama Yulia Evina Bhara pada Oktober 2007 dengan dasar pemikiran dan kecintaan pada sastra Indonesia. Sebagai sebuah wadah, Titimangsa telah berproses selama 15 tahun dalam upaya menghidupkan dan menggelorakan karya-karya sastra, kepenulisan, dan seni pertunjukan (teater), di tanah air. Sejak tahun 2007 hingga 2022, Titimangsa telah mementaskan 61 produksi yang sebagian besar merupakan alih wahana karya sastra ke bentuk lain. Titimangsa telah memproduksi pementasan "Monolog Inggit" (2011-2014) karya penulis naskah Ahda Imran dan sutradara Wawan Sofwan, film pendek "Kamis Ke-300" (2013); pentas teater "Wayang Orang Rock Ekalaya" (2014); biografi kreatif Desak Nyoman Suarti "The Warrior Daughter" (2015), pentas "Bunga Penutup Abad" (2016, 2017, 2018); pentas "Perempuan Perempuan Chairil" (2017), Teater Tari "Citraresmi" (2017); Pameran Arsip "Namaku Pram" (2018), "Nyanyi Sunyi Revolusi" (2019); Konser Musikal Puisi-puisi Cinta "Cinta tak Pernah Sederhana" (2019); Teater Musikal di Taman "La La Love" (2019). Sandiwara Sastra (2020) yang dapat didengarkan di podcast audio budayakita; teater daring "Rumah Kenangan" (2020); teater daring "Aku Istri Munir" (2020), "Puisi Cinta untuk Indonesia" (2020) dan teater musikal "Anugerah Terindah" (2020). Tahun 2021, Titimangsa bekerja sama dengan KawanKawan Media memproduksi seri monolog "Di Tepi Sejarah" yang terdiri dari 4 judul; pementasan "Taksu Ubud" yang berkolaborasi dengan seniman-seniman Bali; pentas "Mereka yang Menunggu di Banda Naira" yang merupakan alih wahana dari novel yang berjudul "Bung Di Banda" karya Sergius Sutanto. Pada April-Juli 2022, seri monolog Di Tepi Sejarah berlanjut musim kedua dengan 5 judul "Kacamata Sjafruddin", "Mata Kamera", "Panggil Aku Gombloh", "Senandung di Ujung Revolusi", "Yang Tertinggal di Jakarta". Pada Mei 2022, Titimangsa mementaskan Monolog Happy Salma dalam Teater Musikal "Inggit Garnasih: Tegak Setelah Ombak", dan pertunjukan teater seni tradisi "Sudamala: Dari Epilog Calonarang" di Gedung Arsip Nasional, Jakarta.

Kontak Titimangsa

Jalan Jatipadang V No. 2 Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan .


T. 0856-4664-9529

Website :

Instagram : @infotitimangsa

Facebook : Titimangsa

Twitter : @infotitimangsa

Tiktok : @infotitimangsa


Sekilas Tentang Pura Mangkunegaran

Pura Mangkunegaran adalah istana tempat kediaman para raja atau adipati Mangkunegaran yang terletak di Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah. Istana ini dibangun oleh Raden Mas Said atau Pangeran Sambernyawa, pendiri Mangkunegaran yang bergelar Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Arya (K.G.P.A.A) Mangkoenagoro I. Hingga saat ini, Pura Mangkunegaran menjadi salah satu objek wisata bersejarah di Surakarta dan banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan nusantara maupun mancanegara.

Pada saat ini Praja Mangkunegaran dipimpin oleh KGPAA Mangkoenagoro X. Sebagai raja muda di era milenal, beliau memiliki kecintaan yang besar terhadap kebudayaan Jawa dan memiliki cita-cita untuk melestarikan dan mengembangkan kebudayaan Jawa sebagai bagian yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari sejarah perjalanan peradaban bangsa. Praja Mangkunegaran semakin membuka diri untuk bekerjasama dengan berbagai pihak dalam melestarikan kebudayaan Jawa. Diharapkan Praja Mangkunegaran mampu menjadi rujukan bagi masyarakat untuk mempelajari adat-istiadat, pengetahuan, norma dan kesenian Jawa.

Kontak Pura Mangkunegaran

Alamat: Jl. Ronggowarsito,
Keprabon, Banjarsari,
Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57131

Kantor Dinas Urusan Istana

T. 0271-642016
web :
facebook : puromangkunegaranofficialpage
Instagram : @puromangkunegaran


Sekilas Tentang Katadata

Katadata adalah perusahaan media, data dan riset online di bidang ekonomi dan bisnis. Didirikan pada 1 April 2012 di Jakarta, perusahaan ini menyajikan berita, informasi, data, dan hasil riset secara mendalam bagi kepentingan para pemimpin bisnis dan pengambil kebijakan, namun dikemas secara lugas dan atraktif agar mudah dipahami publik. Karena itu, berita dan informasi tak hanya disajikan dalam bentuk teks, melainkan juga dalam tampilan visual yang memikat. Tim Katadata terdiri dari para jurnalis dan periset berpengalaman di bidang energi, finansial, makro ekonomi, perdagangan dan infrastruktur.

Kontak Katadata

PT Katadata Indonesia
Plaza Blok M, Lantai 8
Jl. Bulungan No.76, Kota Jakarta Selatan 12130

T. (021) 7209195 & (021) 7209196

Website :

Instagram : @katadatacoid

Facebook : Katadata Indonesia

Twitter : @KATADATAcoid

TikTok : @katadatacoid


Tentang PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (per 31 Maret 2023)

BCA merupakan salah satu bank terkemuka di Indonesia yang fokus pada bisnis perbankan transaksi serta menyediakan fasilitas kredit dan solusi keuangan bagi segmen korporasi, komersial, UKM, dan konsumer. Pada akhir Maret 2023, BCA melayani lebih dari 36 juta rekening nasabah dan memproses sekitar 77 juta transaksi setiap harinya, didukung oleh 1.247 kantor cabang, 18.348 ATM, serta layanan internet & mobile banking dan contact center Halo BCA yang dapat diakses 24 jam. Kehadiran BCA didukung oleh sejumlah entitas anak yang berfokus pada pembiayaan kendaraan, perbankan Syariah, sekuritas, asuransi umum dan jiwa, perbankan digital, pengiriman uang, dan pemodal ventura. BCA berkomitmen untuk membangun relasi jangka panjang dengan nasabah, mengutamakan kepentingan bersama, dan menciptakan dampak positif pada masyarakat luas. Dengan sekitar 25.000 karyawan, visi BCA adalah untuk menjadi bank pilihan utama andalan masyarakat yang berperan sebagai pilar penting perekonomian Indonesia.


Group Corporate Communication and Social Responsibility - CSR

Corporate Communication

Alamat : Jl. MH Thamrin No. 1
Menara BCA Lt. 22
Jakarta Pusat 10310
Telepon : (021) 2358-8000
Fax : (021) 2358-8339
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PT Bank Central Asia Tbk published this content on 24 May 2023 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 30 May 2023 16:48:23 UTC.