Protector Forsikring ASA has today, Jan 1st, transferred 200,000 own shares to
primary insider Henrik Høye, Dir. UK and public and 200,000 shares to primary
insider Hans Didring, Country Manager Sweden, free of charge as a part of a
3-years incentive program. After the transactions Protector Forsikring ASA owns
a total of 3,869,376 own shares, corresponding to 4.49% of total outstanding

The share transfers and the incentive program will be presented for approval at
the Annual General Meeting, April 8th 2021.

After the transactions primary insider Henrik Høye owns 220,100 shares and
primary insider Hans Didring and his close associates 258,025 shares in
Protector Forsikring ASA.

Oslo, January 1st 2021
Protector Forsikring ASA

Click here for more information

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