Propanc Biopharma, Inc. announced that the Company's intellectual property (IP) portfolio made important advancements in Europe. The dosing patent, describing claims for the dosing regimen of the Company's lead product candidate, PRP, has now been validated in 12 countries across Europe. In further news, the Company's method to treat cancer stem cells (CSCs) using PRP received a notice of allowance from the European Patent Office (EPO).

This is the third patent allowed, or granted to the Company in Europe, with further applications under examination by the EPO. As a result of validating the dosing patent in this major global region, Propanc now has enforceable patent rights in the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Belgium, Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland/Liechtenstein and Ireland. As a result of validated the dosing patent in this large global region, Propanc now have enforceable patent rights in theUK, France, Germany, Spain., Italy, Denmark, Belgium, Republic, Sweden, Switzerland/Lichtenstein and Ireland.

In 2022, the worldwide pharmaceutical market was valued at approximately $1.48 trillion by and Europe accounting for 23.4% of global pharmaceutical sales in 2021, according to the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA). As a result of validating The dosing patent across Europe, the Company's IP portfolio has grown to 76 patents either allowed, or granted in major jurisdictions around the world. For the allowed CSCs patent, the claims cover a method to minimize the progression of cancer in a patient who has already received a first line treatment by detecting the presence of CSCs followed by administering PRP.

This patent describes the clinical application of PRP when the patient experiences a relapse and the cancer returns after primary standard of care has been applied. PRP is a mixture of two proenzymes, trypsinogen and chymotrypsinogen from bovine pancreas, administered by intravenous injection.