This document has been translated from the Japanese original for the convenience of non-Japanese shareholders. In the event of any discrepancy between this document and the Japanese original, the original shall prevail.

Securities Code: 7893

June 10, 2024

To Our Shareholders

Takeshi Ueno

President and Representative Director


2-20, Kaigan 1-chome,Minato-ku, Tokyo


This is to notify you that the 80th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will be held as follows.

If you are unable to attend the meeting, it would be appreciated if you exercise your voting rights by either of the following methods after reviewing the attached reference materials for the general meeting of shareholders.

Meeting Details

  1. Date and Time: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.
  2. Venue: "Primavera" at Dai-ichi Hotel Tokyo 4F

2-6, Shimbashi 1-chome,Minato-ku, Tokyo

3. Agenda:

Items to be Reported:

  1. The Business Report and the Consolidated Financial Statements for the 80th Business Period (from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024), as well as the Audit Report for the Consolidated Financial Statements by Accounting Auditors and Audit & Supervisory Board
  2. The Report of Financial Statements for the 80th Business Period (from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)

Items to be Resolved:

Proposal 1: Election of Eight (8) Directors

Proposal 2: Election of Four (4) Audit & Supervisory Board Members

4. Exercise of Voting Rights, etc.

Shareholders not attending the meeting in person can exercise their voting rights in writing or via the internet. If you exercise your voting rights in advance in writing or via the internet, please exercise your voting rights no later than 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 25, 2024 (Japan Standard Time).

Please note that rather than attending this Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in person, you can attend online using the dedicated site shown below (in Japanese only).


Measure for Provision of Informational Materials for the General Meeting of Shareholders in Electronic Format

When convening this Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, the Company takes measures for providing information that constitutes the content of reference materials for the General Meeting of Shareholders, etc. (items subject to measures for electronic provision) in electronic format, and posts this information on the following website (date of commencement of measures for providing information in electronic format: June 3, 2024). Please access the following websites to confirm the information.

Moreover, the items subject to measures for electronic provision are also available on the website of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) in addition to the website for the General Meeting of Shareholders as shown below. Access the TSE website (Listed Company Search) by using the internet address shown below, and enter "PRONEXUS" in "Issue name (company name)" or our securities code "7893" in "Code," click "Basic information" and select "Documents for public inspection/PR information," and confirm the "Notice of General Shareholders Meeting /Informational Materials for a General Shareholders Meeting" section.

Website for Informational Materials for the General Meeting of Shareholders: (in Japanese)

WEB *It can also be accessed via the Company's website at (in Japanese)

TSE website (Listed Company Search): (in Japanese)

Among the items subject to measures for electronic provision, in accordance with the provisions in laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation of the Company, the following items are not included with the paper- based documents delivered to shareholders who have requested the delivery of such documents. The Audit & Supervisory Board Members and the Accounting Auditors have audited the documents subject to audit, including the following items.

  1. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity and the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
  2. Statement of Changes in Equity and the Notes to the Financial Statements

Note: The items listed above are available in Japanese only.

If revisions are made to the items subject to measures for electronic provision, a notice of the revisions and details of the items before and after the revisions will be posted on each of the aforementioned websites.


Reference Materials for the General Meeting of Shareholders

Proposal 1: Election of Eight (8) Directors

The terms of office of all nine (9) Directors will expire at the conclusion of this Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders. In that regard, upon reviewing the management structure from the perspective of changes in the economic environment, the Company proposes the election of eight (8) Directors, lowering the number of Directors by one (1) (adding one (1) Outside Director), to establish a Board of Directors that provides a more diverse range of insight and expertise and to enable more efficient decision making.

The candidates for Directors are as follows:





Attribute of

Current Positions and

at Board of


date No.


Responsibilities in the Company




Takeshi Ueno



President and Representative

10 out of 10



Director and Managing

Executive Officer (in charge of

10 out of 10


Hirofumi Morisada



system strategy), General


Manager, System Consulting


Director and Managing


Yuichi Shiotsu



Executive Officer (in charge of

10 out of 10

solution business strategy),


General Manager, Solution

Business Division

Director and Executive Officer


Norio Ozawa



(in charge of marketing

10 out of 10

strategy), in charge of Marketing


Business Division


10 out of 10


Takatsugu Nagatsuma



Outside Director




10 out of 10


Ken Shimizu



Outside Director




10 out of 10


Ichiro Sakai



Outside Director



New election


Emi Onozuka







Candidate for reelection as Director

New Election: Candidate for new election as Director


Candidate for Outside Director


Independent Officer stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange


Candidate No. 1

Takeshi Ueno


(Date of birth: January 30, 1970)

Career summary, positions and areas of responsibility in the Company, and

important concurrent positions

June 1997

Joined the Company

October 1999

General Manager, Electronic Disclosure Promotion Office, Sales

Headquarters of the Company

June 2000

Director of the Company

April 2004

Managing Director of the Company

June 2005

Senior Managing Director of the Company

June 2007

Executive Vice President and Director of the Company

June 2008

Executive Vice President, Representative Director and COO of the


Number of the

May 2010

President and Representative Director of ASP Communications

Company's shares held:

Co., Ltd. (incumbent)


June 2010

President and Representative Director of the Company

Attendance at Board of


July 2014

President of PRONEXUS TAIWAN Co., Ltd. (incumbent)

Directors meetings

October 2019

Chairman of PRONEXUS VIETNAM CO., LTD (incumbent)


May 2021

Chairman and Representative Director of Zaihon, Inc. (incumbent)

10 out of 10 (100%)

Reason for nomination as candidate for Director

For over 10 years after joining the Company, Mr. Takeshi Ueno has played an active

role in establishing new businesses that today have become mainstay businesses of

the Company such as the digitization of legal disclosure documents and the database

business. Since becoming the Company's President, by promoting Medium-term

Management Plan, he has worked to reform the business structure to make it better

suited to the changing business environment, including digitization initiatives while

at the same time working to steadily increase the operating results of the Overseas

Promotion Support Business in the field of new businesses. He has been steadily

striving in this way to deal with various management issues to enhance the corporate

value, and he is expected to continuously show strong leadership. Accordingly, the

Company nominated him as a candidate for Director.


Candidate No. 2

Hirofumi Morisada


(Date of birth: July 30, 1974)

Career summary, positions and areas of responsibility in the Company, and

important concurrent positions

April 1997

Joined Tohmatsu & Co. (current Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC)

September 2000 Joined Internet Disclosure Co., Ltd.

November 2006 Joined Primal INC.

Director and Vice President of Primal INC.

October 2010

Joined the Company

Assistant General Manager, XBRL Promotion Office, Sales

Planning Division, Sales Headquarters of the Company

March 2014

General Manager, IT Strategy Office of the Company

Number of the

October 2016

General Manager, System Consulting Division, Sales

Headquarters of the Company

Company's shares held:

June 2017

Executive Officer, General Manager, System Consulting Division,


Sales Headquarters of the Company

Attendance at Board of

April 2019

Managing Executive Officer, General Manager, System

Consulting Division, Sales Headquarters of the Company

Directors meetings

June 2021

Director and Managing Executive Officer (in charge of system


10 out of 10 (100%)

strategy), General Manager, System Consulting Division of the

Company (incumbent)

Reason for nomination as candidate for Director

Mr. Hirofumi Morisada has experience working for an auditing firm as a certified

public accountant and also possesses the accounting and IT-related knowledge and

experience required by the Company's electronic disclosure business. For example,

in his previous work he participated as a software developer in the development of

PRONEXUS WORKS, a disclosure support system that is a major product of the

Company. As General Manager of the System Consulting Division, he is working on

strategic functional enhancements of the Company's system services. As it is

expected that he can contribute to the realization of the Company's system strategy,

the Company nominated him as a candidate for Director.


Candidate No. 3

Yuichi Shiotsu


(Date of birth: September 18, 1958)

Career summary, positions and areas of responsibility in the Company, and

important concurrent positions

August 2008

General Manager, Sales Division, Ichigaya Publication Printing

Operations of Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.

November 2009

Joined the Company

General Manager, Financial Sales Division, Sales Headquarters of

the Company

June 2013

Executive Officer, General Manager, Financial Business Division

1, Sales Headquarters of the Company

Number of the

June 2015

Managing Executive Officer, General Manager, Financial Business

Division and General Manager, Financial Business Division 1,

Company's shares held:

Sales Headquarters of the Company


June 2023

Director and Managing Executive Officer (in charge of solution

Attendance at Board of

business strategy), General Manager, Solution Business Division

of the Company (incumbent)

Directors meetings

Reason for nomination as candidate for Director


Mr. Yuichi Shiotsu has been involved in publishing industry sales since his previous

10 out of 10 (100%)

job at a major printing company, and after joining the Company, he has contributed

to the growth in sales of the "PRONEXUS FUND DOCUMENT SYSTEM," which

is a disclosure document preparation support system for investment trust

companies, as well as to the expansion of the Web business, which is one of the

Company's growth areas. He also has broad knowledge and experience in the

printing and non-printing fields. He is currently the General Manager of the

Solution Business Division, and is expected to contribute to the growth of the non-

printed products field, which is the aim of the Company's solutions strategy, by

helping to increase sales of new digital products in response to the paperless trend

in the investment trust field. Therefore, the Company has nominated him as a

candidate for Director.


Candidate No. 4

Norio Ozawa


(Date of birth: May 19, 1959)

Career summary, positions and areas of responsibility in the Company, and

important concurrent positions

October 1989

Joined the Company

January 2007

General Manager, Business Planning Office of the Company

June 2008

Executive Officer, General Manager,

Business Planning Office of the Company

March 2010

Executive Officer, General Manager,

IR Business Division, Sales Headquarters of the Company

January 2013

Executive Officer, General Manager, Financial Solution Division

Number of the

and General Manager, Communication Planning Division, Sales

Headquarters of the Company

Company's shares held:

October 2020

Executive Officer, in charge of Marketing Business Division of


the Company

Attendance at Board of

June 2021

Director and Executive Officer (in charge of marketing strategy),

Directors meetings

in charge of Marketing Business Division of the Company



10 out of 10 (100%)

Reason for nomination as candidate for Director

Since joining the Company, Mr. Norio Ozawa has spent many years formulating

and advancing plans for new businesses for the Company and he is currently

making a big contribution to the establishment of IR, investment trust-related, and

J-REIT-focused businesses, which are the Company's core businesses. He also

possesses abundant knowledge and experience in these fields. As it is expected that

he can contribute to meeting diversifying customer needs through the promotion of

strategic marketing activities based on market analysis and the like, uncovering

potential customer needs and creating new business models for the Company's

marketing strategy through his current work as Director in charge of the Marketing

Business Division, the Company nominated him as a candidate for Director.

Candidate No. 5

Takatsugu Nagatsuma



(Date of birth: May 21, 1965)


Career summary, positions and areas of responsibility in the Company, and

important concurrent positions

April 1992

Joined IBM Japan, Ltd.

January 1994

Joined Sankyo Frontier Co., Ltd.

June 1995

Director, General Manager, Management Planning Division and

Number of the

Regional Block Head, Sales Headquarters of Sankyo Frontier Co.,


Company's shares held:

June 1996

Senior Managing Director and General Manager, Management


Planning Division of Sankyo Frontier Co., Ltd.

Attendance at Board of

June 2001

Representative Senior Managing Director and General Manager,

Sales Promotion Headquarters of Sankyo Frontier Co., Ltd.

Directors meetings

June 2002

President of Sankyo Frontier Co., Ltd. (incumbent)


June 2016

Outside Director of the Company (incumbent)

10 out of 10 (100%)

Reason for nomination as candidate for Outside Director and outline of

expected roles

Mr. Takatsugu Nagatsuma currently serves as President of a listed company. As he is

considered to be able to use his abundant experience and insights of corporate

management for the Company's management from an objective standpoint, and is

also expected to promote enhanced corporate governance, the Company nominated

him as a candidate for Outside Director.


Candidate No. 6

Ken Shimizu



(Date of birth: June 23, 1968)


Career summary, positions and areas of responsibility in the Company, and

important concurrent positions

April 1992

Joined The Sakura Bank, Limited (current Sumitomo Mitsui

Number of the

Banking Corporation)

May 1998

Joined WDI Holding, Inc. (current WDI Corporation)

Company's shares held:

Director of WDI Holding, Inc.


April 2003

President of WDI Corporation (incumbent)

Attendance at Board of

June 2018

Outside Director of the Company (incumbent)

Reason for nomination as candidate for Outside Director and outline of

Directors meetings

expected roles


Mr. Ken Shimizu currently serves as President of a listed company and has abundant

10 out of 10 (100%)

experience of corporate management in a variety of regions including North America

and Asian countries. As he is considered to be able to give appropriate advice for the

Company's management based on his experience as a corporate executive and from a

global perspective, and is also expected to further strengthen the group governance,

the Company nominated him as a candidate for Outside Director.

Candidate No. 7

Ichiro Sakai



(Date of birth: December 4, 1961)


Career summary, positions and areas of responsibility in the Company, and

important concurrent positions

July 1990


June 1991

Director, Deputy General Manager, Corporate Planning


Number of the

July 1993

Managing Director, General Manager, Business Development


Company's shares held:

March 1995

President and Representing Director of SAKAI HEAVY


INDUSTRIES, LTD. (incumbent)

Attendance at Board of

June 2019

Outside Director of the Company (incumbent)

Reason for nomination as candidate for Outside Director and outline of

Directors meetings

expected roles


Mr. Ichiro Sakai has been serving as President of a global construction equipment

10 out of 10 (100%)

manufacturer with over 100 years of history and has been engaged in overall

management of the company for many years. As he is considered to be able to give

appropriate advice that contributes to improving the corporate value and

sustainability of the Company from a medium- to long-term and broad perspective

which has been cultivated through his abundant knowledge of and experience in

corporate management, the Company nominated him as a candidate for Outside



Candidate No. 8

Emi Onozuka

New election


(Date of birth: May 28, 1974)


Career summary, positions and areas of responsibility in the Company, and

important concurrent positions

April 1998

Joined Morgan Bank. (current JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A)

February 2000 Joined Goldman Sachs Asset Management Co., Ltd.

September 2017 Manager of the stewardship promotion, Goldman Sachs Asset

Management Co., Ltd.

April 2020

Joined Japan Catalyst, Inc.

May 2020

Executive Vice President COO, Japan Catalyst, Inc.

May 2022

President and CEO, Eminent Group Ltd. (incumbent)

Number of the

Representative Director, Future Design Initiative by Science and

Finance (incumbent)

Company's shares held:


June 2022

Outside Director, Musashi Seimitsu Industry Co., Ltd.


June 2023

Outside Director, Daiwa Asset Management Co. Ltd. (incumbent)

Reason for nomination as candidate for Outside Director and outline of

expected roles

Ms. Emi Onozuka has a wide range of business experience at a global asset

management company and business management experience at an investment

advisory company, bringing a particular wealth of knowledge and experience

regarding dialogues with capital markets, governance, and ESG. She has specialized

experience and expertise in sustainability and ESG and is expected to contribute to

furthering the Company's sustainability management. The Company has therefore

nominated her as a candidate for Outside Director.

Notes: 1. There are no special interests between each candidate and the Company.

  1. Mr. Takatsugu Nagatsuma, Mr. Ken Shimizu, Mr. Ichiro Sakai and Ms. Emi Onozuka are candidates for Outside Directors.
  2. Mr. Takatsugu Nagatsuma, Mr. Ken Shimizu and Mr. Ichiro Sakai currently serve as Outside Directors of the Company, and their terms of office as Outside Director of the Company will be 8 years for Mr. Takatsugu Nagatsuma, 6 years for Mr. Ken Shimizu and 5 years for Mr. Ichiro Sakai at the conclusion of this Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.
  3. Pursuant to Article 427, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act, the Company has entered into an agreement with Mr. Takatsugu Nagatsuma, Mr. Ken Shimizu and Mr. Ichiro Sakai to limit their liability for damages as prescribed in Article 423, paragraph (1) of the same Act. The maximum amount of liability for damages based on the agreement shall be the amount prescribed in laws and regulations. Such limitation of liability shall apply only when the Outside Directors acted in good faith and without gross negligence in performing the duties giving rise to liabilities.
    If the proposal is approved, the Company will continue the said agreement with Mr. Takatsugu Nagatsuma, Mr. Ken Shimizu and Mr. Ichiro Sakai. In addition, the Company plans to enter into the same agreement with Ms. Emi Onozuka.
  4. The Company has concluded a directors and officers liability insurance policy with an insurance company as stipulated in Article 430-3, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act. This insurance policy covers the insured persons, including Directors of the Company, against damage incurred when accepting liability for the execution of their duties and when receiving claims in pursuit of this liability. If each candidate is elected and assumes the office as Director, the Company plans to include every such Director as an insured in the insurance policy. Also, the next time this insurance policy comes up for renewal, the Company intends to renew it with the same content.
  5. The Company has notified the Tokyo Stock Exchange of the status of Mr. Takatsugu Nagatsuma, Mr. Ken Shimizu and Mr. Ichiro Sakai as Independent Officers stipulated by the Exchange. If the proposal is approved, in addition to the abovementioned Outside Directors, the Company plans to register newly elected Ms. Emi Onozuka as an Independent Officer. The Company has judged that there are no potential conflicts of interests between each of them and the general shareholders of the Company and each of them fulfills the requirement for Independent Officers stipulated by the Exchange.


Proposal 2: Election of Four (4) Audit & Supervisory Board Members

The terms of office of all four (4) Audit & Supervisory Board Members will expire at the conclusion of this Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders. Accordingly, the Company proposes the election of four (4) Audit & Supervisory Board Members.

In addition, the consent of the Audit & Supervisory Board has been obtained for this proposal.

The candidates for Audit & Supervisory Board Members are as follows:




at Audit &


Attribute of

at Board of



Positions and



date No.





in the Company




Standing Audit

10 out of 10

12 out of 12


Akane Sase



& Supervisory



Board Member


Outside Audit &

9 out of 10

11 out of 12


Osamu Sudoh







Board Member


Takuya Oshida



Outside Audit &

10 out of 10

12 out of 12





Board Member


Outside Audit &

10 out of 10

12 out of 12


Yoshihiro Tsuda







Board Member


Candidate for reelection as Audit & Supervisory Board Member


Candidate for Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member


Independent Officer stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange



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Pronexus Inc. published this content on 03 June 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 02 June 2024 15:19:07 UTC.