7th January 2013
The Manager
Company Announcements
Australian Securities Exchange - ASX Limited
Exchange Centre
Level 6, 20 Bridge Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Via E-Lodgement
Dear Sir / Madam,

PrimeAg Australia Limited (ASX: PAG)

Attached for the market's information is the announcement regarding the settlement of insurance claim.
Samantha Macansh
Company Secretary

P r i m e A g A u s t r a l i a L i m i t e d ACN 127 984 123

T E L E P H O N E : 6 1 7 4 6 8 8 4 5 8 8 F A C S I M I L E : 6 1 7 4 6 1 3 0 2 3 0

S T R E E T A D D R E S S : 78 W E S T S T T O O W O O M B A Q L D 4 3 5 0

P O S T A L A D D R E S S P O B O X 1 3 1 2 , T O O W O O M B A B U S I N E S S C E N T R E Q L D 4 3 5 0

PrimeAg Announces Settlement of Insurance Claim

PrimeAg Australia Ltd (PrimeAg), (ASX: PAG), today announced the settlement of the insurance claim for flood damage caused during the record Queensland flood in December
2010. Between December 2010 and January 2011, a series of weather events resulted in prolonged periods of heavy rain falling across southern and central Queensland which caused flooding to vast areas around Emerald in central Queensland and to both Condamine and the Darling Downs in southern Queensland.
The business incurred at total of $2.5M of damage (Reported in the Annual Report $2.4M FY11 and $0.1M FY12) of which a total of $2.2M has been settled by insurer Pacific Underwriting Corporation Pty Ltd (paid $0.3M FY11, $0.9M FY12 and $1.0M FY13)
Media contact - Peter Corish
07- 46884588

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