Preferred Dental Technologies Inc. reported progress on several ongoing initiatives that have been announced in previous press releases. Talks have advanced significantly with Gillespie Farmer's Delight Company Ltd. (GFDCL) since announcement of an agreement in principle made May 16th 2019. Both parties are excited with the progress of this venture which would see Preferred Dental Technologies Inc. (PDTI) be a 22.5% partner of GFDCL on a planned 240 acre hemp growing operation and EU GMP CBD extraction facility located in Jamaica. This arrangement creates no financial obligation on PDTI for any of GFDCL's capital needs while providing PDTI guaranteed supply to high quality, low cost supply of CBD for it's `PDT Wellness' line of products. PDTI will use its shares valued at $0.13 (13 cents) Canadian to secure this $500,000 US asset adding value to shareholders on the balance sheet as well as providing an opportunity for additional vertical growth and revenue as GFDCL grows. An important word of caution it make to all inquiries is will only supply to a business that has all requisite licenses and permits for their location. It also had the opportunity to speak to parties expressing interest in working with PDTI and GFDCL in the distribution of organic, high quality CBD and related products. Initial meetings have been held and further updates will be released as these develop. While CBD and `PDT Wellness' represent an obvious growth vertical for PDTI, there is an overlap between dental implants and potential users of CBD products for pre and post-surgical pain and anxiety treatment. PDTI has also continued with developments for the commercialization of it's EAS Abutment system. Two additional sales team members are currently being vetted, one is located in San Francisco, the other in Arkansas and it look forward to training them in both the EAS Series of dental abutments and the `PDT Wellness' line as look to expand market reach. The vision and reality of International expansion for EAS dental abutments sales has taken a big leap forward following meetings held on May 20th. The owners and founders from one of Brazil's largest dental implant companies flew to Winnipeg and met with PDTI's President and CEO and members of board and advisory team. Following a very positive discussion in which the EAS abutment was well reviewed, it was agreed that the system held great potential for the Brazilian market and that additional steps to proceed should be taken. Brazil represents the 3rd largest global market for dental implants, and many Brazilian implant companies have been significant exporters to the rest of South America and beyond. The universal nature of the EAS and economic advantages were apparent as well as competitive advantages when compared to products currently in use. PDTI's efforts in developing lower cost components to meet the local economies of these markets, as well as the system's flexibility and ease of use were all commented on. While there are no guarantees of a final agreement, NDA's and a Memorandum of Understanding have been submitted for review by both companies. This could represent a significant advancement for PDTI's expansion into foreign markets.