Slovenia’s output prices went up by 10.6% y/y in December, accelerating from the 9.9% y/y growth posted in the previous month, the Slovenian statistics office said on January 21.

In 2021, Slovenia’s output prices increased by 5.5%, after edging down 0.2% in 2020.

The producer price index (PPI) started to increase rapidly at the beginning of 2021.

On a monthly basis, the PPI moved up by 0.6% in December, following the 0.9% growth in the previous month.

The biggest annual increase in output prices in December was recorded in the key manufacturing sector, at 10.9%, following a 10.2% growth in November.

In mining and quarrying, PPI increased by 7.1%. Output prices in the electricity sector rose by 4.8%. In water supply, it gained 2.7%.

Output prices on the domestic market in Slovenia were higher by 10.6% y/y in December, and rose by the same percentage in the non-domestic market.
