• News Release (PDF 62 KB)

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan - Today Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. (PotashCorp) and the food banks across Saskatchewan wrapped up a matching gift campaign to support the province's vulnerable citizens. The organizations involved in the campaign thanked the people of the province for their generosity. Over the holiday season cash donations to Saskatchewan food banks exceeded $1 million, with an additional $1 million in support from PotashCorp.

"We would like to thank donors from across Saskatchewan for demonstrating again that the people of this province are both openhanded and openhearted," said Lee Knafelc, PotashCorp's Vice President, Human Resources and Administration. "Our company is steadfast in our commitment to have an impact on food security, locally and globally and we're thrilled that Saskatchewan's citizens share this vision and support their local food banks."

Since 2010 Saskatchewan holiday food bank campaigns, combined with PotashCorp's matching support, have raised more than $9.4 million to feed those in need at a total of 35 food banks across the province.

"Once again, PotashCorp has demonstrated its commitment to Saskatchewan as a caring community champion. Each year we are amazed by the tremendous impact of the company's matching gift campaign. Every day we meet individuals, businesses and groups inspired to take action," said Laurie O'Connor, Executive Director of the Saskatoon Food Bank & Learning Centre.

"We're thrilled to announce that this has been our most successful food bank campaign to date, far exceeding our expectations! And we're excited to continue building from the momentum created by PotashCorp's leadership," added O'Connor.

According to the HungerCount 2013 report, there has been a 26.6 percent increase in food bank usage in Saskatchewan since 2008. In addition, 43.8 percent of individuals assisted by the province's food banks are children.

"PotashCorp's 2013 matching gift campaign has made a huge difference in the support of food banks, both rural and urban, across Saskatchewan. By supporting community food banks, the company is improving the lives of hungry people right here at home," said Bill Hall, Executive Director of Food Banks of Saskatchewan.

The funds raised through the campaign help food banks across the province buy supplies and equipment, restock shelves and support the province's vulnerable citizens with programs and services.

As the world's largest crop nutrient company, PotashCorp plays an integral role in global food production. The company produces the three essential nutrients required to help farmers grow healthier, more abundant crops. With global populations rising and diets improving in developing countries, crop nutrients such as potash, phosphates and nitrogen offer a responsible and practical solution to help produce the food we need, from the land we have.

For further information please contact:

Saskatoon Food Bank & Learning Centre
Laurie O'Connor
Executive Director
Phone: (306) 664-6565 ext. 232
Email: laurie@saskatoonfoodbank.org
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