The U.S. Department of Energy's Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued the following delegated order: On January 8, 2013, Portland General Electric Company, licensee for the Clackamas River Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. 2195, filed a request for an extension of time to file aperture card and electronic file formats of approved Exhibit G drawings. The aperture card and electronic file formats are required by ordering paragraph (E) of an Order Amending License and Revising Annual Charges.

The project is located on the Oak Grove Fork of the Clackamas River and the mainstem of the Clackamas River in Clackamas County, Oregon. Ordering paragraph (E) requires the licensee to file, within 45 days of the issuance date of the order, the approved exhibit drawings in aperture card and electronic file formats. The licensee's extension request states that it did not anticipate any issues while converting the drawings however correcting an issue identified by the Commission in the order has been more time-consuming than originally calculated.

As such, the licensee is requesting additional time, until March 1, 2013, to file the aperture card and electronic file formats of the approved Exhibit G drawings. The licensee filed the request for the extension of time after the deadline established in ordering paragraph (E). The licensee is reminded that late filings, including extension of time requests, may be considered violations of its license.

Since the licensee has been regularly updating Commission staff of the issues with the drawings, this late filing will not be a considered a violation of its license. The reason advanced by the licensee in support of the extension of time is reasonable and justifies the extension. The Director orders: The deadline to file approved Exhibit G drawings in aperture card and electronic file formats required by ordering paragraph (E) of the Order Amending License and Revising Annual Charges issued November 2, 2012, for the Clackamas River Project, is extended to March 1, 2013; This order constitutes final agency action.

Any party may file a request for rehearing of this order within 30 days from the date of its issuance, as provided in section 313(a) of the FPA, 16 U.S.C. section 825l (2006), and the Commission's regulations at 18 C.F.R. section 385.713 (2012). The filing of a request for rehearing does not operate as a stay of the effective date of this order, or of any other date specified in this order. The licensee's failure to file a request for rehearing shall constitute acceptance of this order.