OPEL Solar Inc. and OPEL Technologies Inc. announced the completion of the solar installation of a tracker-based solar system at the Aquarion Water Company's D.W. Loiselle Water Treatment Plant at Trap Falls Reservoir in Shelton, Connecticut. Construction began in September of 2011, and following the successful completion and generation of electricity, approval of this Aquarion solar facility was given by The United Illuminating Company in December 2011. Commissioning of this Aquarion solar facility advances both OPEL s and Aquarion s commitment to environmental stewardship. The project showcases OPEL Solar s superior solar tracker products. Both Aquarion and OPEL plan to mark this milestone with an opening ceremony after the winter season. The solar facility uses both OPEL trackers, the TF-800 single-axis tracker and the SF-45 dual-axis tracker. Both trackers follow the path of the sun during the day, thereby producing more energy from any brand of solar panel than could be expected from the same panel in a fixed or non-tracking installation. The Aquarion project is expected to produce approximately 43 MWh of energy per year, representing approximately 22% more energy than would be expected from the same panels in a fixed installation. The project offsets the energy required to operate the Aquarion water facility. The site is a demonstration site to Aquarion to confirm the effectiveness of implementing this type of system at other sites. As part of the agreement, OPEL built and now operates this solar power plant which also demonstrates, to other OPEL customers, the benefits of solar trackers in climates such as in New England.