HAMBURG (dpa-AFX) - According to a survey, the mood in the wind energy sector has improved significantly in Germany and the European Union. The 13th Trend Index of WindEnergy Hamburg, the world's leading trade fair for wind energy, states that there have been positive changes in the perception of market development and general conditions in both the onshore and offshore sectors. In contrast, North America, Asia and the rest of the world rated the global market slightly worse.

Following the decline in the previous survey, the average expected output of newly installed offshore turbines for 2030 has risen significantly from 18 to 19 megawatts. Prototypes with around 22 megawatts were presented at the end of 2023. This is exerting pressure on the market and has led to 20 percent of respondents opting for an output of 22 to 25 megawatts. In the onshore sector, on the other hand, a slightly lower output of newly installed turbines is expected for 2030 - on average around 8.3 megawatts.

Although regulation, approvals and grid expansion represent major hurdles for both onshore and offshore wind energy for those surveyed, the figures for the onshore sector are significantly higher. The situation is different in the area of investment costs: Almost every second respondent saw a major hurdle for offshore wind energy. The technological challenges are also higher there. However, it is striking that the hurdles in the offshore sector are nevertheless perceived to be significantly lower.

The WindEnergy Trend Index has reportedly been surveyed every six months since 2018. This time, more than 800 people gave their assessment of developments in the global onshore and offshore wind industry in the survey, which ran from mid-March to mid-May. This means that more than 12,000 online questionnaires have been completed by experts in the wind energy sector since 2018./klm/DP/mis