Platinum Australia Limited (Subject to Deed of Company Arrangement) ACN 093 417 942 ("the Company" or "PLA") 2 July 2013

ASX code: PLA

Completed dispatch of Scheme Booklet

The Deed Administrator is pleased to announce that the dispatch of the Scheme Booklet, together with a proxy form and share election form, to all PLA shareholders was completed yesterday 1 July 2013.
The Scheme Booklet, that was released in full by PLA on ASX on 21 June 2013 and is available on PLA's website, outlines the proposed scheme of arrangement under which Jubilee Platinum plc (Jubilee) will acquire all of the shares on issue in PLA (the Scheme).
PLA Shareholders should carefully read the Scheme Booklet before making a decision as to how to vote on the resolution to approve the
Scheme to be considered at the Scheme Meeting.
The Deed Administrator and each PLA Director unanimously recommend that PLA shareholders vote in favour of the resolution to approve the Scheme, in the absence of a superior proposal.
The independent expert Stanton International Securities, who was commissioned by the Deed Administrator to prepare a report on the Scheme, has concluded that the Scheme is not fair, but is reasonable and is in the best interests of PLA shareholders, in the absence of a superior proposal.
The Scheme Meeting will be held at 3:00pm on Tuesday 30 July 2013 at the Parmelia Hilton, 14 Mill Street Perth.

Notice of typographical errors in Scheme Booklet

The Deed Administrator notes that the attached cover letter was also included with each Scheme Booklet, outlining some typographical errors in the Notice of Meeting contained in Annexure G of the Scheme Booklet. Certain dates in Annexure G relating to the date of the Scheme Meeting are incorrect, and the correct dates are set out below, consistent with the orders given on 20 June 2013 by the Federal Court of Australia:

• convening a meeting of PLA Shareholders to be held at the Parmelia Hilton Perth, 14 Mill St, Perth on 30 July 2013 commencing at

3.00pm (Perth time);

• that, for the purposes of the meeting, voting entitlements would be determined at 3.00pm (Perth time) on 28 July 2013; and

• that proxy forms are to be received by the Share Registry not later than 3.00pm (Perth time) on 28 July 2013.


Deed Administrator


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Dear PLA Shareholder,

As Deed Administrator for Platinum Australia Limited (Subject to deed of company arrangement), I am pleased to provide to you a Scheme Booklet in relation to the acquisition by Jubilee Platinum plc of all ofthe shares in Platinum Australia Limited.

Enclosed in the Scheme Booklet (at Annexure G) is a notice ofmeeting for the PLA Shareholder meeting. Please note that certain dates in Annexure G relating to the date ofthe Scheme Meeting are incorrect. On 20 June 2013 the Federai Court of Australia gave orders:

• convening a meeting of PLA Shareholders to be held at the Parmelia Hilton Perth,

14 Mill St, Perth on 30 July 2013 commencing at 3.00pm (Perth time);

• that, for the purposes of the meeting, voting entitlements would be determined at

3.00pm (Perth time) on 28 July 2013; and

• that proxy forms are to be received by the Share Registry not later than 3.00pm

(Perth time) on 28 July 2013.

Yours faithfully



Deed Administrator

Platinum Australia Limited (subject to deed of company arrangement)

An lndependent western Austra lian Company ABN 51 135 140 751

Liability limited by a scheme a pproved under Professiona l Standards Legislation

an independent member o f BAKER TILLY INTERNATIONAL

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