PJSC PhosAgro announced that its Board of Directors has re-elected Independent Director Sven Ombudstvedt as its Chairman. The Board of Directors also re-elected as its Deputy Chairman Andrey G. Guryev, Vice President of the Russian Union of Chemists. The Board of Directors also appointed the leadership and members of the Board Committees. The Audit Committee will be chaired once again by Independent Director and PhosAgro Board of Directors Member Marcus Rhodes; PhosAgro CEO and Board of Directors Member Andrey A. Guryev was re-appointed Chairman of the Strategy Committee; Independent Director and PhosAgro Board of Directors Member James Rogers will lead the Remuneration and Human Resources Committee, the Environmental, Health and Safety Committee will be chaired by PhosAgro Board of Directors Member, PhosAgro Executive Director and CEO of Apatit Mikhail Rybnikov; the Risk Management Committee will be chaired by Ivan Rodionov.