Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras announced results of drilling well 9-SES-187A (Petrobras nomenclature) /9-BRSA-1278A-SES (ANP nomenclature), located in concession area BM-SEAL-10, blocks SEAL-M-347 and SEAL-M-424, in Sergipe Basin ultra-deep waters. Results have confirmed the continuation of the light oil accumulation in turbidite sandstone in the Muri area (from 38 to 40 API). The well is 88 km off the coast of the city of Aracaju, some 2.8 km from the discovery well and at a water depth of 2,533 meters.

A 56-meter thick reservoir presenting good permeability and porosity features was detected. The well reached the total depth of 5,521 meters. At this time, the well is in the completion phase and, subsequently, an injectivity test will be conducted to assess the reservoir's productivity.

This accumulation is part of the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin deep-water exploration project, as provided for in the Petrobras Business and Management Plan for the 2014-2018 period. Petrobras, which holds 100% of the stake of concession BM-SEAL-10, will proceed with the Discovery Evaluation Plan, as approved by Brazil's Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP).