Pennine Downing AIM VCT 2 plc
Half Yearly Financial Report for the six months ended 31 August 2009

The six-months ended 31 August 2009 has seen calmer stock markets
than in the previous reporting periods and some degree of recovery in
stock prices.  On the back of this, the Company's Net Asset Value per
share ("NAV") has shown a reasonable increase over the period.

Net Asset Value
As at 31 August 2009, the Company's ("NAV") stood at 29.5p, an
increase of 2.7p (10.1%) since 28 February 2009.

Venture capital investments
There was a limited amount of investment activity during the period.
The Company invested £194,000 in two new investments and one
follow-on investment. £100,000 was invested into Financial News
Publishing Limited, a financial publisher which has arisen from
Sanastro Limited, a previous investment which had failed.  An
investment of £34,000 was made in Tristel plc, a manufacturer of
infection control products, and £60,000 was invested in Hoole Hall
Spa and Leisure Limited as a follow-on investment.

There have been a small number of realisations in the period.
Clerkenwell Ventures plc returned most of its surplus funds to
shareholders after it was unable to find suitable restaurant
businesses to acquire in line with its plans with the Company
receiving £279,000, realising a gain of £40,000.

Sanastro (as mentioned above) and Forward Media Limited both went
into liquidation in the period, producing total realised losses of
£93,000. The net realised loss in the period from disposals amounted
to £52,000.

The existing quoted portfolio showed a significant rise in value over
the six months, increasing by £709,000.  The most notable risers were
Spice plc, Synergy Health plc and Ludorum plc.

As usual, the Board also reviewed the valuation of the unquoted
investments at the period end and made a small number of changes to
previous carrying values.  The net movement on the unquoted
valuations was an increase of £6,000.

The total unrealised gains for the six-months were £715,000.

Full details of the portfolio together with the additions and
disposals in the period are shown below.

Fixed income and other investments
The Company has a small holding in a bond fund which was valued at
£149,000 at the period end, with unrealised gains over the period
amounting to £27,000.  A fixed income bond, previously held, matured
during the period with realised gains thereon amounting to £2,000.

Results and dividend
The return on activities after taxation for the period was £639,000,
comprising a revenue loss of £33,000 and a capital return of

In line with the Company's usual practice, no interim dividend will
be paid.

Share buybacks
The Company has currently suspended its share buyback policy while it
is in the process of cancelling its Share Premium account to create
additional distributable reserves.  Once this is complete, the Board
will give consideration to the Company's future share buyback policy.

Risk and uncertainties
Under the Disclosure and Transparency Directive, the Board is now
required, in the Company's half year results, to report on principal
risks and uncertainties facing the Company over the remainder of the
financial year.

The Board has concluded that the key risks are:
* investment risk associated with investing in young businesses;
* failure to maintain approval as a VCT.

In both cases the Board continues to be satisfied with the Company's
approach to these risks.  Although the Company has significant
exposure to the relatively immature businesses quoted on AIM, the
Company seeks to mitigate risks associated with this as far it can by
holding a well-diversified portfolio.

The Company's compliance with the VCT regulations is continually
monitored by the Administrator, who regularly reports to the Board on
the current position.  The Company also retains
PricewaterhouseCoopers to provide regular reviews and advice in this
area.  The Board considers that this approach reduces the risk of a
breach of the VCT regulations to a minimal level.

Although stock market indices have shown reasonably steady and
sustained growth since March, they remain well below their previous
peak levels.  This is especially true in the AIM market, where for
example the FTSE AIM All Share Index currently stands nearly 50%
below its 2006 peak. Whether the recovery seen in recent months can
continue, remains to be seen, however the Board believes it is
unrealistic to expect the Company's NAV to recover the ground it has
lost in the short or medium-term.

As I mentioned in my last report, the Board has been exploring
options for the future of the Company. I can report that some
progress has been made and the Board is currently formulating
proposals which I expect to be in a position to put to Shareholders
in the near future.

Andrew Griffiths
27 October 2009

as at 31 August 2009

                                           31 Aug    31 Aug    28 Feb
                                             2009      2008      2009
                                            £'000     £'000     £'000

Investments                                 5,962    10,002     5,608

Current assets
Debtors                                        92        45       135
Cash at bank and in hand                      968       132       627
                                            1,060       177       762
Less: Creditors falling due within one       (59)      (51)      (46)

Net current assets                          1,001       126       716

Net assets                                  6,963    10,128     6,324

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                     1,180     1,193     1,180
Capital redemption reserve                    170       157       170
Share premium                               6,506     6,506     6,506
Special reserve                             6,009     6,907     6,867
Capital reserve - realised                      -       276         -
Investment holding losses                 (6,724)   (4,734)   (8,254)
Revenue reserve                             (178)     (177)     (145)

Total equity shareholders' funds            6,963    10,128     6,324

Net asset value per share                   29.5p     42.4p     26.8p


                                         31 Aug     31 Aug     28 Feb
                                           2009       2008       2009
                                          £'000      £'000      £'000

Opening shareholders' funds               6,324     13,324     13,324
Repurchase of own shares                      -      (156)      (232)
Total recognised gains/(losses) for the     639    (2,196)    (5,924)
Distributions paid in the period              -      (844)      (844)

Closing shareholders' funds               6,963     10,128      6,324

for the six months ended 31 August 2009

                                                  Six months ended
                                                     31 Aug 2009
                                                Revenue Capital Total
                                                  £'000   £'000 £'000

Income                                               67       -    67

Net gains/(losses) on investments  - unrealised       -     743   743
                                   -realised               (50)  (50)
                                                     67     693   760

Investment management fees                          (7)    (21)  (28)
Other expenses                                     (93)       -  (93)

Return/(loss) on ordinary activities               (33)     672   639

Taxation                                              -       -     -

Return/(loss) attributable to equity               (33)     672   639

Return per Ordinary Share                        (0.1p)    2.8p  2.7p

                                      Six months ended     Year ended
                                         31 Aug 2008           28 Feb
                                   Revenue Capital   Total      Total
                                     £'000   £'000   £'000      £'000
Income                                 162       -     162
Net gains/(losses) on - unrealised         (2,179) (2,179)    (5,541)
                      - realised                58      58      (334)
                                       162 (2,121) (1,959)    (5,612)

Investment management fees            (24)    (72)    (96)      (105)
Other expenses                       (140)     (1)   (141)      (207)

Return/(loss) on ordinary              (2) (2,194) (2,196)    (5,924)

Taxation                                 -       -       -          -

Return/(loss) attributable to          (2) (2,194) (2,196)    (5,924)
equity shareholders

Return per Ordinary Share                -  (9.1p)  (9.1p)    (24.7p)

All Revenue and Capital items in the above statement derive from
continuing operations. The total column within the Income Statement
represents the profit and loss account of the Company.

A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been
prepared as all gains and losses are recognised within the Income
Statement as noted above.

for the six months ended 31 August 2009

                                              Six       Six
                                           months    months      Year
                                            ended     ended     ended
                                           31 Aug    31 Aug    28 Feb
                                             2009      2008      2009
                                     Note   £'000     £'000     £'000
Cash outflow from operating
activities                            1
and returns on investments                   (14)      (34)      (91)

Capital expenditure
Purchase of investments                     (194)     (789)     (789)
Disposal of investments                       533       680     1,320
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from capital        339     (109)       531

Cash acquired                                  16         -         -
                                               16         -         -

Equity dividends paid                           -     (848)     (844)

Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing    341     (991)     (404)

Share issue costs                               -      (41)      (52)
Purchase of own shares                          -     (162)     (243)
Net cash outflow from financing                 -     (203)     (295)
Increase/(decrease) in cash           2       341   (1,194)     (699)

Notes to the cash flow statement:

1. Cash flow from operating activities and returns on
Gain/(loss) on activities before              639   (2,196)   (5,924)
(Gains)/losses on investments               (693)     2,121     5,875
Decrease/(increase) in other                   43        61      (33)
Increase in accruals and deferred income      (3)      (20)       (9)
Net cash outflow from operating activities   (14)      (34)      (91)

2. Analysis of net funds
Beginning of period                           627     1,326     1,326
Net cash inflow/(outflow)                     341   (1,194)     (699)
End of period                                 968       132       627

as at 31 August 2009

                                                  in the         % of
                               Cost Valuation      period   portfolio
                              £'000     £'000       £'000    by value

Top twenty venture capital
Synergy Health plc **           622       730         208       10.5%
Cadbury House Limited *         461       461           -        6.6%
Nu Nu plc *                     470       432           -        6.2%
Aero Inventory plc              860       395          92        5.7%
Hoole Hall Spa and Leisure      360       360           -        5.2%
Limited *
Elektron plc                    459       341        (10)        4.9%
Ludorum plc                     161       339         158        4.9%
Spice plc **                    398       315         143        4.6%
Glisten plc                     246       181          36        2.6%
FDM Group plc                   150       158          55        2.3%
Pennant International Group     308       155           -        2.2%
Straight plc                    160       138          66        2.0%
Supporta plc                    406       134          10        1.9%
The Thames Club Limited *       250       125           -        1.8%
Colliers CRE plc                296       123          60        1.8%
Huveaux plc                     300       114          47        1.7%
Interserve plc **               213       114          36        1.6%
Forest Support Services plc     160       112          26        1.6%
Neutrahealth plc                230       108        (36)        1.6%
Preston North End plc           141       107        (23)        1.6%
                              6,651     4,943         868       71.3%

Other venture capital         5,886       870       (153)       12.5%

Other investments               149       149          28        2.2%

Total investments            12,686     5,962         743       86.0%

Cash at bank and in hand                  968                   14.0%

Total                                   6,930                  100.0%

All venture capital investments are quoted on AIM unless otherwise
* Unquoted
** Listed on London Stock Exchange Main Market

for the six months ended 31 August 2009


Venture capital investments
Financial News Publishing Ltd        100
Hoole Hall Spa and Leisure Limited    60
Tristel plc                           34



                                     Market                     Total
                                   value at          Profit/ realised
                                    1 March Disposal loss vs    gain/
                              Cost     2009 proceeds    cost   (loss)
                             £'000    £'000    £'000   £'000    £'000
Venture capital investments
Clerkenwell Ventures plc       248      239      279      31       40
Ludorum plc                      2        3        4       2        1

Dissolutions/ liquidations
Bioganix plc                    98        -        -    (98)        -
Cytomyx plc                    200        -        -   (200)        -
Forward Media plc              281       20        -   (281)     (20)
Sanastro plc                   315       73        -   (315)     (73)

Prudential plc 5¿% 2009
stock                          226      248      250      24        2

                             1,370      583      533   (837)     (50)

1. The unaudited half yearly financial results cover the six months
to 31 August 2009 and have been prepared in accordance with the
accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts for the year
ended 28 February 2009 which were prepared under UK Generally
Accepted Accounting Practice and in accordance with the Statement of
Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust
Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" January 2009.

2. All revenue and capital items in the income statement derive from
continuing operations.

3. The Company has only one class of business and derives its income
from investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits.

4. The comparative figures were in respect of the period ended 31
August 2008 and the year ended 28 February 2009 respectively.

5. Return per share for the period has been calculated on 23,590,014
shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue during
the period.

6. NAV per share for the period has been calculated on 23,590,014
shares, being the number of shares in issue at the period end.

7. Dividends

                              31 August 2009          28 Feb
                          Revenue   Capital   Total    Total
                            £'000     £'000   £'000    £'000
Paid in period
2008 Final distribution   -         -         -          844

8. Reserves

                  Capital   Share          Capital Investment
               redemption premium Special  reserve    holding Revenue
                  reserve account reserve        -     losses reserve
                    £'000   £'000   £'000    £'000      £'000   £'000

At 1 March            170   6,506   6,867        -    (8,254)   (145)
Expenses                -       -       -     (21)          -       -
charged to
gains/(losses)          -       -       -     (50)        743       -
Realisation of
revaluations            -       -       -    (787)        787       -
previous years
Transfer                -       -   (858)      858          -       -
Retained net            -       -       -        -          -    (33)
At 31 August          170   6,506   6,009        -    (6,724)   (178)

Distributable reserves comprise the Special reserve, Capital reserve
- realised, Revenue Reserve and Investment holding losses of
£6,807,000.  At the period end there were no reserves available for

9. The unaudited financial statements set out herein do not
constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of
the Companies Act 2006 and have not been delivered to the Registrar
of Companies.  The figures for the year ended 28 February 2009 have
been extracted from the financial statements for that year, which
have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies; the auditors'
report on those financial statements was unqualified.

10. The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge, the
half-yearly financial statements have been prepared in accordance
with the "Statement: Half-Yearly Financial Reports" issued by the UK
Accounting Standards Board and the half-yearly financial report
includes a fair review of the information required by:

(a) DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an
indication of important events that have occurred during the first
six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed
set of financial statements, and a description of the principal risks
and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and

(b) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being
related party transactions that have taken place in the first six
months of the current financial year and that have materially
affected the financial position or performance of the entity during
that period, and any changes in the related party transactions
described in the last annual report that could do so.

11. Copies of the unaudited half yearly financial results will be
sent to Shareholders shortly. Further copies can be obtained from the
Company's Registered Office and will be available for download from


This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Copyright © Hugin AS 2009. All rights reserved.