
● The share is getting closer to its long-term support in weekly data, at EUR 17.85, which offers good timing for buyers.

● The close medium term support offers good timing for purchasing the stock.

● Margins returned by the company are among the highest on the stock exchange list. Its core activity clears big profits.

● Its low valuation, with P/E ratio at 7.18 and 19.84 for the ongoing fiscal year and 2017 respectively, makes the stock pretty attractive with regard to earnings multiples.

● Over the last twelve months, the sales forecast has been frequently revised upwards.

● For the last twelve months, analysts have been gradually revising upwards their EPS forecast for the upcoming fiscal year.

● Analysts covering this company mostly recommend stock overweighting or purchase.

● The difference between current prices and the average target price is rather important and implies a significant appreciation potential for the stock.


● As estimated by analysts, this group is among those businesses with the lowest growth prospects.

● Prospects from analysts covering the stock are not consistent. Such dispersed sales estimates confirm the poor visibility into the group's activity.

● The company's "enterprise value to sales" ratio is among the highest in the world.

● The company is not the most generous with respect to shareholders' compensation.