On April 29, 2024, Ms. Sophie Ye Tao notified Paranovus Entertainment Technology Limited (the ?Company?) of her resignation as the chief financial officer (the ?CFO?) of the Company, and as a director of the Board of Directors (the ?Board?), effective April 29, 2024. Ms. Sophie Ye Tao has advised that her resignation was due to personal reasons and not a result of any disagreement with the Company on any matter related to the operations, policies, or practices of the Company. To fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Ms. Tao, on April 29, 2024, the Nominating Committee (the ?Nominating Committee?) of the Board recommended, and the Board appointed Ms. Ling Guo to serve as the CFO of the Company, effective April 29, 2024.

Ms. Ling Guo was the chief operating officer and a director of Weilcok Group Inc. (?Weilock?) from February 2021 to April 2024. From June 2017 to February 2021, Ms. Guo was the CEO of Shanghai Welive Business Management Consulting Ltd. (?Welive?). From February 2021 to April 2024, she was the CFO and director of Welive.

She is experienced in business consulting and management. Ms. Guo obtained her bachelor?s degree in telecommunication engineering from University of Science and Technology, Beijing, in May 2002 and her MBA degree from Baruch College of The City University of New York in May 2009, where she pursued a double major in financial investment and public accounting.