Palamina Corp. has submitted a Declaración de Impacto Ambiental or Environmental Impact Declaration to the Peruvian Ministry of Energy and Mines for the Coasa Gold Project. The DIA is the primary environmental permit required prior to drilling. Within the license area covered by the DIA, 15 platforms and an initial 2,500 metres of drilling is planned at Veta and 5 platforms and 500 metres of drilling at Phusca. DIA permits allow for 40 drill platforms leaving Palamina 20 for future use. Final drill target selection will be made following the conclusion of further geological mapping, trenching and prospecting expected to recommence by the end of April. Members of Palamina's geological team are currently compiling and interpreting the results from the 9 geologic campaigns along with the independent airborne geophysical and structural studies completed in 2018.