PainChek Ltd. announced that the Android version of the PainChekTM mobile application has been completed and is undergoing beta testing prior to general release. The PainChekTM App Android version incorporates all of the technology and functionality that is already available in the iOS (Apple) version and is projected to be available for commercial release in the Enterprise market in first quarter 2018 and be available for the consumer market from second quarter 2018 onwards. Designed to run on Android versions 6.0 and later, the App is initially being validated on the Samsung S6, S7 and S8 smartphone line. It is anticipated that any mid- to high-end smart phone or tablet released from 2015 onwards to be able to run the PainChekTM Android application. Future enhancements to the IOS and the Android versions of PainChek will occur in parallel, to ensure all users have access to the latest features. PainChek uses cameras in smartphones and tablets to capture a brief video of the person which is analysed in real time using facial recognition software to detect the presence of facial micro expressions that area indicative of the presence of pain. This data is then combine with other indicators of pain such as vocalizations, behaviour and movements captured to calculate a pain severity score. Due to its speed ease of use and its responsibility the company will be able to used to detect and measure a person’s pain and then further measurements can be used to monitor the effectiveness of pain management.