Pacific Hospital Supply Co. Ltd. announced earnings results for the month and year to date ended December 2016. For the month, operating revenue of December 2016 amounted to TWD 131,356,000 that was a decrease of 27.24% from December 2015. The operating income of December 2016 amounted to TWD 25,289,000 that was a decrease of 54.07% from December 2015. The net income before tax of December 2016 amounted to TWD 29,509,000 that was a decrease of 51.17% from December 2015. For the year, the company reported operating revenue of January-December 2016 amounted to TWD 1,689,664,000 that was an increase of 4.20% from January-December 2015. The operating income of January-December 2016 amounted to TWD 406,228,000 that was an increase of 1.43% from January-December 2015. The net income before tax of January-December 2016 amounted to TWD 414,718,000 that was a decrease of 1.73% from January-December 2015.