Pacific Hospital Supply Co. Ltd. announced earnings results for the month and year to date ended November 2018. For the month, the company reported operating revenue amounted to NTD 176,712,000 that was an increase of 54.25% compared to same period a year ago. The operating income of December 2018 amounted to NTD 12,803,000 that was an increase of 40.94% compared to same period a year ago. The net income before tax amounted to NTD 15,557,000 that was an increase of 46.25% compared to same period a year ago. For the year to date, the company reported operating revenue amounted to NTD 1,822,441,000 that was an increase of 5.04% compared to same period a year ago. The operating income amounted to NTD 253,680,000 that was a decrease of 17.16% compared to same period a year ago. The net income before tax amounted to NTD 272,484,000 that was a decrease of 11.07% compared to same period a year ago.