Strategy and Finance Division Investor Relations & DCM

Reference number: IR-042/2013
29 January 2013

Extraordinary announcement Securities transaction of senior officer's close relative

OTP Bank Plc. announces on its own behalf and by proxy of Dr Sándor Csányi, in accordance with the Act CXX of 2001 on Capital Markets, that on 28 January 2013 Ms Erika Csányi - the close relative of Dr Sándor Csányi, the Chief Executive Officer of OTP Bank, - purchased 14,000
ICES bond over-the-counter (with a face value of EUR 1,000) at an average price of net 52.08% issued by OPUS Securities with the contribution of UBS AG (Paradeplatz 6, CH-8001 Zurich), as an investment service provider.
OTP Bank Plc.

OTP Bank Plc.

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