Strategy and Finance Division Investor Relations & DCM

Reference number: IR-009/2013
11 January 2013

Extraordinary announcement Capital increase in OTP Real Estate Ltd.

OTP Bank hereby announces that the Court of Budapest Municipality acting as a Court of Registration registered a capital increase in OTP Real Estate Ltd., a subsidiary owned by OTP Bank Plc.
The share capital increase including share premium (agio) was carried out by OTP Bank Plc, one of the owners of OTP Real Estate Ltd., and made effective 20 December 2012. As a consequence, the registered capital of OTP Real Estate Ltd. has increased to HUF 2,145,000,000 from 2,136,000,000. While the ownership ratios in OTP Real Estate Ltd. were modified as follows: OTP Bank Plc. (22.15%), OTP Holding Ltd. (57.25%), BankCenter No. 1 Ltd. (20.60%).
OTP Bank Plc.

OTP Bank Plc.

Postal address: P.O.B.: 501

Budapest H-1876 Hungary

Phone: +36 1 473 5460

Fax: +36 1 473 5951



Nádor street 16. Budapest H-1051 Hungary

Metropolitan Court as Court of Registration:


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