Android edges out iOS with the most mobile phone ad impressions in Q4 2013, tablet wars heat up Holidays drive 13% increase in new mobile devices in...

San Mateo, California - January 21, 2014

As the New Year takes hold, Opera Mediaworks today released insights about mobile advertising in the last quarter of 2013 that point to yet another growth year for the industry.

To start, the company found that in the three days around Christmas (December 24, 25 and 26), the number of smartphones and tablets, increased by 13% in the United States and 22% in Europe, reflecting strong sales of these devices during the holiday season.

Overall, Opera Mediaworks has seen a significant increase in global ad traffic year over year, and now reaches over 425 million consumers, while serving over 60 billion impressions a month.

Additional findings from Q4 2013:

  • Revenue from iOS still sky-high, but Android now drives majority of mobile ad traffic to phones. In Q4, iOS devices captured 56% of revenue, up from 50% in Q3. However, when comparing iPhone to Android phone traffic, Android tops out with a nearly 36% share (vs. iPhone's 28.7%).
  • Social networking sites and apps are the most popular. Traffic volume for social networking services was the highest, at 34.25% of all global traffic. The Music, Video & Media category followed, with 17.7% of traffic; this category took the top spot for revenue generation (20.6%) as consumers continue to use their mobile devices more for streaming music and watching videos. Arts & Entertainment sites and apps captured 18.2% of revenue.
  • Mobile ads for movies and entertainment events soared over Christmas.While consumers may have been seeing more ads for products with gift potential in the weeks leading up to the holidays, Entertainment advertisers took over as soon as Christmas week hit. Nearly 1 in 3 ads during the vacation period were for movie, music and entertainment events. Food & Drink followed, with 17% of the ads being for products and services in this category.
  • Brazilian mobile ad market leaps up the global charts; audience is differentiated by device type, behavior. Well in advance of World Cup 2014, Brazil's mobile audience has grown to a size on par with other significant markets, like Canada, Mexico and Australia. Now the 7th largest market, these consumers are predominantly on Android (47.6% vs. iOS 14.9%) and are heavy social network users, with 40% of traffic going to sites and apps in the Social category.

"2013 was a tremendous year for mobile advertising. At agencies, mobile campaigns moved from the back burner to the front and rich media ads replaced boring banners. Many publishers found their smartphone and tablet traffic eclipse their desktop internet traffic, and a some even made more money from mobile advertising when compared to desktop," says Mahi de Silva, CEO, Opera Mediaworks. "With a 13% jump in the growth of new devices during Christmas just in the U.S., we expect even more growth in 2014. We anticipate the global media spend on mobile advertising will make up 20% of all digital advertising worldwide in 2014."

For the complete Q4 2013 report, visit

About Opera Mediaworks

Opera Mediaworks is the world's leading mobile advertising platform, helping to power the global mobile economy. We improve efficiency, through technology, innovation, transparency and trust, to create an open and vibrant marketplace for publishers and advertisers across the globe. Opera Mediaworks includes AdMarvel, an ad-serving and mediation platform; Mobile Theory, a premium mobile ad network in the U.S.; 4th Screen Advertising Ltd., a premium ad network in the United Kingdom; and Mediaworks Performance, a results-driven mobile ad network. Also included are impressions served within Opera mobile properties, including the Opera Mini Smart Page and the Opera Mobile Store. Opera Mediaworks is part of the Opera Group.

About Opera Software ASA

Opera products enable more than 350 million internet consumers worldwide to discover and connect with the content and services that matter most to them, no matter what device, network or location. In turn, we help advertisers reach the audiences that build value for their businesses. Opera also delivers products and services to more than 120 mobile operators around the world, enabling them to provide a faster, more economical and better network experience to their subscribers.
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