Origin Energy Limited reported production and revenue results for the second quarter and six months ended December 31, 2016. For the quarter, production was 80.1 PJe represented a 47% increase on the corresponding period in 2016 and an 8% increase on the September 2016 quarter. This primarily reflected increased LNG production by Australia Pacific LNG and the commencement of production from Halladale and Speculant in the Otway Basin.

For the half year, production was 154.3 PJe representing a 51% increased on the prior corresponding period.

For the quarter, revenue was $544.3 million, a 157% increase on the corresponding period in 2016 and a 27% increase on the September 2016 quarter.

For the half year, revenue was $973.9 million represented a 123% increase on the prior corresponding period.