1,200 Virginia Teachers Will Use Online Learning Platform ThinkQuest to Engage

                        Students in Astronomy Projects

    Redwood Shores, California, January 6, 2009
    -- The Oracle Education Foundation (OEF) has signed a Memorandum of
       Understanding with the Virginia Department of Education to support
       "Share the Skies," a statewide initiative that enables students and
       teachers to study astronomy in the daytime.
    -- Participating students and teachers will access and control a telescope
       located in Australia using Internet tools.  Participants will also use
       OEF's ThinkQuest program to design and implement astronomy learning
       projects with peers in other countries.
    -- ThinkQuest is a protected, online learning platform that enables
       teachers to integrate learning projects into their classroom curricula
       and students to develop critical 21st century skills, including
       creativity, communication, teamwork, and technology skills.
    -- OEF will provide free professional development to up to 1,200 Virginia
       teachers involved in the initiative. These teachers will be trained how
       to incorporate ThinkQuest and 21st century skills instruction into
       their curricula.
    -- ThinkQuest currently supports 397,000 students in 60 countries.

    Supporting Quotes
    -- "The Oracle Education Foundation is proud to partner with the Virginia
       Department of Education on this innovative project," said Clare Dolan,
       Vice President, Oracle Corporate Citizenship.  "By providing students
       with access to ThinkQuest, we empower them to broaden their horizons
       and develop the critical skills they need for life and work in the 21st
    -- "ThinkQuest provides a platform that allows our students to collaborate
       with peers around the world, particularly in the Southern Hemisphere,
       on research projects that leverage the capabilities of our Share the
       Skies initiative," said Tammy McGraw, Director of Educational
       Technology, Virginia Department of Education.

    Supporting Resources
    -- ThinkQuest: http://www.thinkquest.org
    -- Oracle Education Foundation: http://www.oraclefoundation.org
    -- Share the Skies: http://www.sharetheskies.org

About Share the Skies

The Virginia Department of Education's Share the Skies project is the nation's first statewide initiative to enable students and teachers to study astronomy in real-time during the daytime without leaving the classroom. Share the Skies is grounded in the principle that all children should have access to high-quality learning experiences. Students have few opportunities to explore astronomy, which is one of the oldest sciences, affecting every aspect of our lives. At the most fundamental level, this project is intended to inspire children and those who teach them.

About the Oracle Education Foundation

The Oracle Education Foundation is a nonprofit organization funded by Oracle. It delivers ThinkQuest, a widely acclaimed education technology program, to K-12 schools globally. ThinkQuest is a protected, online learning platform that enables teachers to integrate learning projects into their classroom curriculum and students to develop critical 21st century skills. For more information, visit http://www.oraclefoundation.org.

About Oracle

Oracle (Nasdaq: ORCL) is the world's largest enterprise software company. For more information about Oracle, please visit our Web site at http://www.oracle.com.

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    Kimberly Pineda