Mr. Joseph Esau, long standing director of One Caribbean Media Limited and Chairman of its subsidiary Caribbean Communications Network Limited, has announced that he will shortly relinquish his position on the parent Board, but will continue as Chairman of CCN, owners of the Express and TV6. He will also cease to be Chairman of the Grenadac Broadcasting Network Limited and a director of Starcom Network Inc, subsidiaries of OCM. Last month Esau stepped down as Chairman of Prestige Holdings, Pizza Hut, TGI Friday's and Subway, but remains a member of that Board. He also continues to be Chairman of Agostini's Limited and a director of Grace Kennedy Limited and the Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business. Esau said that he made this decision to achieve better balance in his activities. Last week two new members Peter G. Symmonds, QC and Faarees Hosein were elected to the Board of Directors of OCM. Symmonds has served as a director of a number of listed companies including Barbados National Bank, Barbados Shipping and Trading Co Ltd. and United Insurance Co Ltd. Hosein, an Attorney at Law, has been in practice since 1988 in Trinidad and Tobago and has been involved in representing and advising media houses in defamation and media law related matters.