Balen,  Belgium  (11  January  2010) -  Nyrstar  NV  today announced that it had
recently  approached CBH Resources  Limited (ASX: CBH)  ("CBH") in relation to a
potential  transaction regarding the ownership of  CBH.  The approach to CBH was
made  on a  confidential basis,  but recent  market speculation in Australia and
Europe    has   required   CBH   to   make   a   clarifying   statement   (refer
CBH  is an  Australian based  mineral resource  company listed on the Australian
Securities  Exchange producing zinc, lead and  silver from the Endeavour mine at
Cobar  in New South Wales.    The approach by  Nyrstar to CBH is consistent with
Nyrstar'sstrategy to selectively pursue opportunities in mining.
Nyrstar's  approach was  made on  18 December 2009 when  it presented CBH with a
confidential,   conditional  and  non-binding  proposal  outlining  a  potential
transaction that would involve CBH entering into schemes of arrangement with its
shareholders  and  noteholders  that  would  result  in  all  of the outstanding
ordinary  shares and convertible  notes in CBH  being transferred to Nyrstar for
cash,  or alternatively, Nyrstar shares  or convertible notes ("Proposal").  The
Proposal   is   conditional   on   completion  of  satisfactory  due  diligence,
exclusivity,  final  approval  by  the  Nyrstar  Board,  execution  of  a scheme
implementation  agreement and the maintenance of confidentiality, which may have
been   broken   as  a  consequence  of  recent  media  speculation.  Any  scheme
implementation agreement would be subject to customary conditions.
The  cash Proposal values  the ordinary shares  and convertible notes  of CBH at
(approximately)  A$220 million (approximately  EUR140 million); comprising A$0.135
per  CBH ordinary share  (being a premium  to CBH's share  price at the time the
Proposal  was presented, but which is at a  discount to the price at which CBH's
shares  last traded on  7 January 2010 (A$0.145)), and  75% of the face value of
CBH's convertible notes.
Nyrstar  has not yet received a response from CBH to the Proposal, and therefore
has  not been involved  in substantive discussions  with CBH in  relation to the
Proposal at this stage.
About CBH Resources Limited (ASX: CBH)
CBH  Resources  Limited  is  an  Australian  publicly  listed  resource  company
producing  zinc, lead  and silver  from the  Endeavour Mine  at Cobar in central
western  New South  Wales.  CBH  also has  base metal  developments at Panorama,
Western   Australia   (copper-zinc)   and   Broken   Hill,   New   South   Wales
(zinc-lead-silver),  aconcentrate ship-loading facility  at Newcastle, New South
Wales  and exploration  positions in  the metal  provinces associated  with each

                                    - end -

About Nyrstar
The  partner of choice in essential resources  for the development of a changing
world.    Nyrstar   is   a  leading  global  multi-metals'  business,  producing
significant  quantities of  zinc and  lead as  well as other products (including
silver, gold and copper).  Nyrstar is listed on NYSE Euronext Brussels under the
symbol  NYR. For  further information  visit the Nyrstar website,
Important  Notice. Unless and until a binding scheme implementation agreement is
entered  into, Nyrstar will be  under no obligation to  CBH Resources Limited or
any  other person with  respect to the  Proposal. This announcement  is not, and
cannot  be considered to be, notification of an offer or proposed offer pursuant
to section 631 of the Corporations Act of Australia.

Michael Morley

Director Legal and

External Affairs

T: +44 20 7408 8120 


Chris James

Group Manager,
Investor Relations

T: +44 20 7408 8161

M: +44 7912 269 497 


Geert Lambrechts


Corporate Communications

T: +32 14 449 646

M: +32 473 637 892 
