NuScale Power, LLC and RoPower Nuclear S.A. announced that a contract for Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED) work was signed between parties on December 28, 2022, marking a significant step toward the deployment of a NuScale VOYGR™ small modular reactor (SMR) power plant in Romania. Phase 1 of the FEED work awarded to NuScale will define the major site and specific inputs for a VOYGR-6 SMR power plant to be deployed at the Doicesti Power Station site in Romania. The eight-month project includes the issuance of subcontracts to perform the environmental impact assessment and subsurface geotechnical investigation, the evaluation of site and site-specific requirements for NuScale's standard plant design, and the development of a project-specific cost estimate.

First touted by President Biden as part of his Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment in June 2022, the commencement of this work is a landmark advancement between NuScale and Nuclearelectrica aimed at deploying the first SMRs in Europe to help meet regional energy security and decarbonization goals.