The Board of Directors of Go Life International announced that Go Life International has concluded an agreement with a non-related party for a secured loan facility of up to ZAR 15 million, of which ZAR 2.5 million will be made available immediately ("Initial Loan"), with the balance subject to the conclusion of a due diligence. The Initial Loan is to be repaid within 3 (three) months after the effective date of the Loan Agreement. As security for the Loan and in the event of default by Go Life International, the ZAR 2.5 million advanced will be settled through the issue of 100,000,000 ordinary shares in Go Life International. This will be subject to the SEM Listings Rules and JSE Listings Requirements and may be achieved by way of an underwritten rights offer to all shareholders or shareholder approval and a further announcement will be made in due course. The balance of ZAR 12.5 million will be secured by assets held by Go Life International. The Initial Loan of ZAR 2.5 million will be provided to Go Life International, subject to the following conditions precedent: A duly constituted Board meeting authorising the approval and signature of the term sheet; and The appointment of 3 (three) new directors to the Board of Go Life International, being: 1 (one) director from Mauritius; 2 (two) directors from South Africa; and Mr. Mxolisi Motau agreeing to remain a director for the foreseeable future.

The Board of Go Life International announced the appointment of Mr. Patrick Wysoczanski and Dr. Peter Koll with immediate effect. Patrick is currently the CEO of a Medico-legal consulting firm. He will be joining Go Life International as an executive director. Peter is currently in private practice in Johannesburg and regularly speaks at both local and international conferences. He has been on the advisory boards of several pharmaceutical companies both locally and internationally. He is currently a medical advisor to Medisafe surgical. Peter has also served on the Board of the South African Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and was for many years an external examiner at the University of the Witwatersrand. Peter joins the Board as a non- executive director. The Company will be appointing another Mauritian based director to the Board of Go Life International in due course.