PR Newswire/Les Echos/

Paris, January 7, 2009


     (Article 223-16 of the General Regulation of the French Market Authority

Declaration of the total number of voting rights and the number of Capital
shares of a company whose shares are traded on a regulated market (Eurolist)

Declarer                                                     Société NRJ GROUP
                                                              22, rue Boileau
                                                                75016 Paris
Number of Capital shares                                           83.086.030
Actual Number of voting rights                                    147.029.631
Theoretical Number of voting rights
(including rights of own capital and treasury shares)             148.881.876
Date                                                               12/31/2009

                                NRJ GROUP
  French Joint stock company with registered capital in the amount of
                              830 860,30 euros
                         SIREN 332 036 128 RCS PARIS
                   Headquarters: 22 rue Boileau 75 016 Paris
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