The following Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") provides information that management believes is relevant to an assessment and understanding of the consolidated financial condition and results of operations of NOVAGOLD RESOURCES INC., incorporated in British Columbia, Canada, and its subsidiaries (collectively, "NOVAGOLD," the "Company," "our" and "we"). This item should be read in conjunction with our Consolidated Financial Statements and the notes thereto included in this annual report.

The following MD&A generally discusses our consolidated financial condition and results of operations for 2021 and 2020 and year-to-year comparisons between 2021 and 2020. Discussions of our consolidated financial condition and results of operations for 2019 and year-to-year comparisons between 2020 and 2019 are included in Item 7, Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2020, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on January 27, 2021, are incorporated by reference into this MD&A.


We operate in the gold mining industry, primarily focused on advancing the Donlin Gold project in Alaska. The Donlin Gold project is held by Donlin Gold LLC ("Donlin Gold"), a limited liability company owned equally by wholly-owned subsidiaries of NOVAGOLD and Barrick Gold Corporation ("Barrick").

Our corporate goals include continuing to advance the Donlin Gold project toward a construction decision; maintaining support for Donlin Gold among the project's stakeholders; promoting a strong safety, sustainability, and environmental culture; maintaining a favorable reputation of NOVAGOLD; and preserving a healthy balance sheet. Our operations primarily relate to the delivery of project milestones, including the achievement of various technical, environmental, sustainable development, economic and legal objectives, obtaining necessary permits, completion of pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, preparation of engineering designs and the financing to fund these objectives.

COVID-19 response

The Company has implemented policies at its offices in Salt Lake City and Vancouver designed to ensure the safety and well-being of all employees and the people associated with them. In that regard, to reduce risk, our employees have been encouraged to get fully vaccinated against COVID-19, have been asked to work remotely, avoid all non-essential business travel, adhere to good hygiene practices, and engage in physical distancing. Continuation of COVID-19 in 2022 and beyond could impact employee health, workforce productivity, insurance premiums, ability to travel, the availability of industry experts, personnel and equipment, restrictions or delays to field work, studies, and assay results, and other factors that will depend on future developments that may be beyond our control.

At Donlin Gold, with dedicated community partners in Alaska and in the Yukon-Kuskokwim (Y-K) region, who share the objective of protecting the health of Donlin Gold's employees and contractors, a wide-ranging set of policies have been implemented at the Donlin Gold project site and Anchorage office designed to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

The plan includes:

  ? testing of all personnel prior to visiting the Donlin Gold project site;

  ? testing on the third day after their arrival at camp;

  ? additional testing for direct local hires ahead of returning to their villages
    to reduce the spread of the virus where minimal health services are available;

  ? utilizing charters to safely deliver employees to and from camp to minimize
    in-region travel;

  ? screening and physical distancing measures while at camp;

  ? more frequent sanitization practices; and

  ? increased communication around hygiene and sanitization practices, as well as
    identification of symptoms.

The first positive cases at the Donlin Gold project site occurred in early October, 2021, just prior to the planned end-of-season closure. One individual after arrival to camp tested positive for COVID. The individual was immediately isolated and removed from site (by private charter flight) and quarantined in Anchorage for 10 days. In addition, contract tracing was conducted, and all close contacts were tested and isolated. Three more positive cases occurred in the following days. Additional responses taken included: daily testing of remaining site personnel, anyone wishing to depart the site was allowed to leave, no new personnel were allowed at site, and the final field activities were completed with the remaining site personnel.




Donlin Gold

Community engagement

As a neighbor to others in the Y-K region and as a team largely made up of people from the area, Donlin Gold strives to aid communities with support and resources, particularly when health and safety are of concern. Donlin Gold is committed to support the needs of its community partners. Donlin Gold continues to make progress in formalizing its community relationships and finding common ground with Shared Value Statements with eight villages from the Y-K region (Akiak, Sleetmute, Napaimute, Crooked Creek, Napaskiak, Nikolai, Tuluksak and Upper Kalskag) that confirm current engagement with key local communities. These agreements include educational, environmental, and social initiatives to help provide support for these villages.

For the 2021 season, Donlin Gold hired employees from 20 Y-K communities. In an area with high unemployment and fewer job choices than in urban environments, the work experience and skills training that Donlin Gold provides is attractive and employees are encouraged to bring their safety knowledge into their home village. Local community involvement in the project is core to both Barrick's and NOVAGOLD's philosophy, and approximately 70% of Donlin Gold direct hires for this year's drill program were Alaska Natives.

Despite the challenges over the last two years, Donlin Gold has expanded community engagement programs and support related to environmental management, safety, training, educational, health and cultural initiatives. In August, Donlin Gold held the fourth annual "In it for the Long Haul" backhaul project with approximately 180,000 pounds of hazardous and electronic waste removed from 26 villages throughout the Y-K region. Multiple entities and tribes came together to assist Y-K Delta region villages with the removal and safe disposal of the waste. Over the last five years, nearly 400,000 pounds of waste has been safely removed that would otherwise end up in landfills, in waterways or in areas harmful to families and children. In the fall of 2021, Donlin Gold entered into a sponsorship agreement with Alaska School Activities Association to underwrite statewide sports. This includes supporting student athletes, musicians, and other activities in the Y-K region and across Alaska.

Donlin Gold also responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by providing aid to local communities with support and resources, particularly when health and safety are of concern. The State of Alaska, Calista, and Donlin Gold worked to send fish from Bristol Bay to the Yukon villages impacted by the closure of the salmon fishery to commercial and subsistence fishing. Donlin Gold assisted with distribution and logistics to deliver fish to more communities on the Yukon River who had been devastated by the dismal numbers of returning salmon to their river. In partnership with the Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation, sent the Calricaraq team to travel to area villages to support residents and families who have lost a loved one to suicide, a heightened challenge in remote villages, especially during the pandemic. Donlin Gold partnered with KSKO Radio to purchase hand-held radios for five middle Kuskokwim villages. This initiative expands the reach of public radio to communities where internet connectivity is severely lacking. Every home will now have an information source for important updates from the Y-K region, to include local news and weather updates.


During the 2021 field season at the Donlin Gold project site, there were no spills to water and no spills of greater than 10 gallons to land. There were no spills that required reporting to government agencies. In 2021, Donlin Gold received two administrative Notices of Violation (NOVs): one related to stormwater for failure to file an administrative report in 2019 and failure to train all staff in 2018 even though there was no field program that year, and one under the site's air permit for failure to submit one operating report in 2020. No penalties were issued for either NOV. Also in 2021, ADEC conducted a permit compliance inspection at the site, which yielded no instances of non-compliance for the 2021 field program. Donlin Gold further continued updating its site baseline data, including monitoring water quality and fisheries.


The State's Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401 certification (the "401 Certification") of the Federal CWA Section 404 permit was formally appealed to the Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation in June 2020, and the ADEC Commissioner referred the appeal to an Administrative Law Judge for review. The appeal focused on three narrow issues related to compliance with the State's water quality standards near the mine site. On April 12, 2021, the Administrative Law Judge issued his opinion for the Commissioner's consideration recommending the 401 Certification be vacated. The Commissioner issued his decision to uphold the 401 Certification on May 27, 2021. The decision was appealed on June 28, 2021 in Alaska's Superior Court by a San Francisco-based activist law firm on behalf of ONC. On December 29, 2021, the Court issued an order remanding the 401 Certification to ADEC for consideration of additional technical information provided by Donlin Gold and dismissing the appeal in Alaska Superior Court without prejudice. The existing 401 Certification remains in effect during the remand period. Based on the remand schedule established by the Court order, ADEC's decision is expected in the second quarter of 2022.




In April 2020, the Alaska Department of Natural Resources' (ADNR) Division of Oil and Gas agreed to reconsider its decision on the State Right-of-Way (ROW) agreement and lease authorization for the buried natural gas pipeline. Under the reconsideration, on September 10, 2020, the ADNR issued for additional public comment a revised Consideration of Comments document. This document describes how the ADNR considered public input that was solicited in the ROW review, including how cumulative effects are addressed in the decision. The comment period on the document ended on November 9, 2020. On July 19, 2021, the ADNR Commissioner completed the reconsideration and upheld the ROW agreement and lease authorization. On August 9, 2021, two parties requested that the Commissioner conduct a further reconsideration. The first party was Earthjustice representing ONC, Cook Inletkeeper, and three villages. The second party was an individual who operates an outdoor guiding business around the pipeline route. The Commissioner rejected both further reconsideration requests on August 19, 2021. On September 20, 2021, Earthjustice, representing ONC, Cook Inletkeeper, and three villages, filed an appeal of the State ROW in Alaska Superior Court. An appeal was also filed by the second party in September 2021. The two appeals have been consolidated into a single case that is pending before the Alaska Superior Court based in Anchorage, Alaska. ADNR is currently finalizing the Administrative Record for the ROW issuance for submittal to the Court after which the Court will establish a briefing schedule. We expect a decision on the appeal in the second half of 2022 or the first half of 2023.

In November 2020, the ADNR published an initial public notice for comment on Donlin Gold's 12 applications for water rights for the mine site and transportation facilities, which closed on December 15, 2020. Water rights are for local surface water sources and groundwater to be used for process water, dust control, fire protection, and potable water. In March 2021, the ADNR held a second two-week public notice period, which closed on March 26, 2021. All the final Water Rights were issued on June 29, 2021 by ADNR's Division of Mining Land and Water. In July, they were administratively appealed to the ADNR Commissioner by Earthjustice, ONC, and five villages. We expect a decision on the appeal by the Commissioner in 2022.

Donlin Gold, working with its Native Corporation partners, continues to support the State of Alaska to advance other permits and certificates needed for the project. The field work related to the issuance of the Alaska Dam Safety certificates, which is a multi-year commitment, was temporarily paused to concentrate on the 2020 and 2021 geological drill programs.

Donlin Gold is fortunate to have strong partnerships with Calista and TKC, owners of the mineral and surface rights, respectively. The project's location on private land specially designated for mining activities through the 1971 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. Donlin Gold's commitment to meaningful tribal consultation throughout project development and permitting has been proven over decades of reliable and dependable engagement with the community.

Donlin Gold project

The 2021 drilling program included additional confirmation and extension drilling, focusing on further testing, orebody continuity, structural control, and geotechnical and geometallurgical data collection and analysis. In September 2021, Donlin Gold completed the drilling portion of a 79-hole program totaling approximately 24,264 meters in both the ACMA and Lewis deposit areas, including an additional 13 holes and 4,000 meters above the original 2021 plan. Assays were reported for 36 completed holes and 22 partial holes, encompassing 15,700 meters of length drilled. Assay results received to date for the 2021 drill program were disclosed in media releases on September 2 and December 1, 2021. Assays are anticipated to be completed by early 2022.

The newly obtained data will be incorporated into the geologic and resource model and should lead the owners to determine updated mining schedules and life of mine business plans. The focus will then shift to feasibility study work, subject to a formal decision by the Donlin Gold Board, and ultimately, to initiate the engineering work necessary to advance the project design before reaching a construction decision. The owners will advance the Donlin Gold project in a financially disciplined manner with a strong focus on engineering excellence, environmental stewardship, a strong safety culture and continued community engagement.

The Donlin Gold board must approve a construction program and budget before the Donlin Gold project can be developed. The timing of the required engineering work and the Donlin Gold board's approval of a construction program and budget, the receipt of all required governmental permits and approvals, and the availability of financing, commodity price fluctuations, risks related to market events and general economic conditions among other factors, will affect the timing of and whether to develop the Donlin Gold project. Among other reasons, project delays could occur as a result of public opposition, litigation challenging permit decisions, requests for additional information or analysis, limitations in agency staff resources during regulatory review and permitting, project changes made by Donlin Gold, or any impact on operations from COVID-19.

Our share of funding for the Donlin Gold project in 2021 was $17,587, lower than our planned spending of $18,000 to $22,000 primarily due to environmental and community engagement work delayed due to COVID-19 restrictions and drill assay costs carried forward into 2022. In 2022, our share of Donlin Gold funding is expected to be approximately $30,000, including $21,000 for follow-up drilling, camp improvements and studies, and $9,000 for permitting, community engagement and administration.




We record our interest in the Donlin Gold project as an equity investment, which results in our 50% share of Donlin Gold's expenses being recorded in the income statement as an operating loss. The investment amount recorded on the balance sheet primarily represents unused funds advanced to Donlin Gold.

Consolidated Financial Results

The details of our Net loss are set forth below:

                                                 Years ended November 30,
                                                   2021              2020         Change
Net loss                                       $     (40,536 )     $ (33,564 )   $ (6,972 )

Net loss per common share, basic and diluted $ (0.12 ) $ (0.10 ) $ (0.02 )

Net loss increased by $6,972 from 2020 to 2021, primarily due to the following:

  ? Donlin Gold expenses increased by $2,123, primarily due to higher permitting
    and legal costs related to appeals filed on various State of Alaska permits
    and completion of assays from the 2020 drill program in 2021.

  ? The $1,475 increase in corporate general and administrative expense is
    primarily due to $1,178 higher share-based compensation expense resulting from
    higher amortization of stock options and performance share units (PSUs). In
    2018, the vesting period for stock options and PSUs was increased from two to
    three years and amortization was adjusted to match the vesting period,
    deferring a portion of the costs to future periods. Amortization in 2021 and
    in future periods, includes one third of the cost of each of the previous
    three years of stock option and PSU grants. Salaries and benefits were $325
    higher due to annual wage increases and payroll taxes on stock option

  ? Interest income decreased by $1,286 due to lower interest rates earned on cash
    and term deposits, partially offset by higher cash balances due to the receipt
    of $75,000 from Newmont on July 27, 2021.

  ? A $938 remediation provision expense adjustment for the historic former New
    Gold House property in Nome, Alaska.

  ? Accretion on notes receivable was $781 lower due to the maturity of the
    $75,000 note receivable.

  ? The $751 recovery of deferred income taxes in 2020 resulted from the Company's
    decision to file a consolidated U.S. income tax return for its U.S.
    subsidiaries commencing with the fiscal year ended November 30, 2020.

The increase in expenses was partially offset by favorable foreign exchange movements of $270, and a $200 gain on the sale of our interest in the San Roque mineral property in Argentina.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Liquidity overview

At present, we believe we have sufficient working capital available to cover anticipated funding of the Donlin Gold project and corporate general and administrative costs until a decision to commence engineering and construction is reached by the Donlin Gold board for the Donlin Gold project, at which point substantial additional capital will be required. Future financings to fund construction are anticipated through debt, equity, project specific debt, and/or other means. Our continued operations are dependent on our ability to obtain additional financing or to generate future cash flows. However, there can be no assurance that we will be successful in our efforts to raise additional capital on terms favorable to us, or at all. For further information, see section Item 1A, Risk Factors - Our ability to continue the exploration, permitting, development, and construction of the Donlin Gold project, and to continue as a going concern, will depend in part on our ability to obtain suitable financing.

Our anticipated expenditures in fiscal year 2022 are approximately $46,000, including $30,000 to fund the Donlin Gold project, $13,000 for corporate general and administrative costs, $2,000 for withholding taxes on share-based compensation and $1,000 for working capital and other items.

Our financial position includes the following as of November 30, 2021:

  ? Cash and cash equivalents of $91,124.

  ? Term deposits of $78,000 denominated in U.S. dollars and held at Canadian
    chartered banks with high investment-grade ratings and have maturities of one
    year or less.

  ? Notes receivable of $25,000 due on the earlier of the completion of a Galore
    Creek feasibility study or July 27, 2023, and a note for $75,000 fully
    contingent upon approval of a Galore Creek project construction plan by the




  ? Promissory note payable to Barrick of $115,723, including accrued interest at
    U.S. prime plus 2%. The promissory note and accrued interest are payable from
    85% of the Company's share of revenue from future Donlin Gold project
    production or from any net proceeds resulting from a reduction of the
    Company's interest in Donlin Gold.

Cash flows

Our Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows are summarized as follows:

                                                          Years ended November 30,
                                                      2021          2020         Change

Operating activities                                $  (9,863 )   $ (10,020 )   $     157
Funding of Donlin Gold                                (17,587 )     (15,276 )      (2,311 )
Proceeds from note receivable                          75,000             -        75,000

Net (purchases of) proceeds from term deposits (17,221 ) 20,000 (37,221 ) Proceeds from sale of mineral property

                    200             -           200
Withholding tax on share-based compensation              (731 )      (1,652 )         921
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and other         420           305           115
Net change in cash and cash equivalents             $  30,218     $  (6,643 )   $  36,861

In 2021, the net increase in Cash and cash equivalents of $30,218 primarily resulted from the $75,000 note proceeds received from Newmont, partially offset by Donlin Gold funding of $17,587, net investments in term deposits of $17,221, and corporate operating activities of $9,863.

Net spending on operating activities decreased by $157 in 2021 from 2020 primarily due to the timing of corporate liability insurance payments; and COVID-19 resulting in reduced corporate travel, offset by higher salaries and benefits; and lower interest received on cash and term deposits due to lower interest rates.

Donlin Gold funding increased by $2,311 in 2021 from 2020 primarily due to higher permitting and legal costs due to: legal challenges to the State's CWA Section 401 certification and the State's ROW agreement and lease authorization for the buried natural gas pipeline; and completion of assays from the 2020 drill program in 2021.

Outstanding share data

As of January 19, 2022, the Company had 332,921,907 common shares issued and outstanding. Also, as of January 19, 2022, the Company had: i) a total of 10,278,096 stock options outstanding; 8,866,898 of those stock options with a weighted-average exercise price of $5.69 and the remaining 1,411,198 with a weighted-average exercise price of C$7.32; and ii) 1,299,300 PSUs and 315,140 deferred share units (DSUs) outstanding. Upon exercise of the foregoing convertible securities, the Company would be required to issue a maximum of 12,542,186 common shares.

Related party transactions

As of November 30, 2021, the Company has accounts receivable from Donlin Gold of nil (November 30, 2020: $6) included in Other current assets.

Fourth quarter results

During the fourth quarter of 2021, we incurred a net loss of $10,269 compared to a net loss of $7,000 for the comparable period in 2020. The increase in net loss primarily resulted from lower accretion income on Newmont notes receivable in 2021, activity at Donlin Gold extended into the fourth quarter of 2021, a provision for remediation of the former New Gold House mineral property near Nome, Alaska in 2021, and the recovery of income taxes in 2020 due to the filing of a consolidated income tax return for U.S. subsidiaries.




Critical Accounting Policies

We believe the following accounting policies are critical to our financial statements due to the degree of uncertainty regarding the judgements or assumptions involved and/or the magnitude of the asset, liability, or expense being reported.

Contingent note receivable

A portion of the proceeds on the sale of the Company's 50% interest in the Galore Creek project to Newmont, included a contingent note for $75,000 receivable upon the approval of a Galore Creek project construction plan by the owner(s). The Company has assigned no value to the contingent note receivable as management determined that approval of Galore Creek project construction was not probable as of the closing of the Galore Creek sale, and management's assessment did not change as of November 30, 2021. The contingent note will be recognized only when, in management's judgement, payment is probable, and the amount recorded will not reverse in future periods.

Investment in affiliates

Investments in unconsolidated ventures over which the Company has the ability to exercise significant influence, but does not control, are accounted for under the equity method and include the Company's investment in the Donlin Gold project. We identified Donlin Gold as a Variable Interest Entity (VIE) as the entity is dependent on funding from its owners. All funding, ownership, voting rights and power to exercise control is shared equally on a 50/50 basis between the owners of the VIE. Therefore, the Company has determined that it is not the primary beneficiary of the VIE. The Company's maximum exposure to loss is its investment in Donlin Gold. Donlin Gold is a non-publicly traded equity investee holding exploration and development projects. The Company reviews and evaluates its investment in affiliates for other than temporary impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate that the related carrying amounts may not be recoverable. Events that could indicate impairment of an investment in affiliates include a significant decrease in long-term expected gold price, a significant increase in expected operating or capital costs, unfavorable exploration results or technical studies, a significant decrease in reserves, a loss of significant mineral claims, or a change in the development plan or strategy for the project. Asset impairment is considered to exist if the total estimated future cash flows on an undiscounted basis are less than the carrying amount of the asset. If the underlying assets are not recoverable, an impairment loss is measured and recorded based on the difference between the carrying amount of the investee and its estimated fair value which may be determined using a discounted cash flow model.

Income taxes

We account for income taxes under the asset and liability method. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. Under the asset and liability method, the effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date. A valuation allowance is recognized if it is more likely than not that some portion or the entire deferred tax asset will not be recognized.

Share-based compensation

We grant share-based compensation awards in exchange for employee services, including a stock option plan and a PSU plan. The fair value of awards granted under the plans are recognized in the Consolidated Statements of Loss over the related service period. The fair values of stock options are estimated at the time of each grant using a Black­Scholes option pricing model, and the fair values of PSUs are measured at each grant date using a Monte Carlo valuation model. The fair value estimates may be impacted by certain variables including, but not limited to, stock price volatility, employee stock option exercise behaviors, additional stock option grants, estimates of forfeitures, the Company's performance, and the Company's performance in relation to its peers.

We grant members of our board of directors DSUs whereby each DSU entitles the directors to receive one common share of the Company when they retire from service with the Company. The fair value of the DSUs is measured at the date of the grant in amounts ranging from 50% to 100% of directors' annual retainers at the election of the directors. The fair value is recognized in the Consolidated Statements of Loss over the related service period.

As of November 30, 2021, we had $2,496 of unrecognized compensation cost related to 3.36 million non-vested stock options expected to be expensed and vest over a period of approximately two years. Also, as of November 30, 2021, we had 1.583 million non-vested PSU awards outstanding of which 0.800 million were fully expensed and vested on December 1, 2021 with a multiplier of 93%. The remaining 0.783 million non-vested PSU awards with $3,338 of unrecognized compensation cost will be expensed over a period of approximately two years.




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