Northern Sphere Mining Corp. announced it has received its blasting permit for its Arizona mining operation from the US Department of Justice. The company considers the receipt of the permit to be a significant step forward and one of the last remaining requirements for development of the underground, bulk sampling initiative to commence first quarter of 2017 on its patented Buckeye Mine. The company is currently completing preliminary site work at the Buckeye Mine. This includes leveling the site for the necessary infrastructure such as air compressor, generator, powder magazines, storage containers, ore storage, shipping area and guard trailer. In addition; NSM has purchased a Tamrock two boom jumbo drill and a MTI 2 yd scoop tram. This production type underground equipment will enable the company to move ahead with generating larger quantities of ore when combined with existing equipment and infrastructure. NSM plans to stockpile ore under its test mining regime to better define grade, geometry, variability and daily tonnage expectations from current accessible stopping horizons of the mine.