Noront Resources Ltd. announced an update on its development in the Ring of Fire, its exploration program. The company continues to work closely with the provincial government and First Nation communities to gain commitment on a shared use access road. As previously announced the company is planning for the construction of its first mine, Eagle s Nest, in 2018 which it expects will be followed by the development of its Blackbird chromite mine. To meet its internal deadlines, the company requires construction of the shared access road to begin in early 2018. The Premier set a target for commencing road work to access the region by 2018 that dovetails with company's planned construction timetable for Eagle s Nest. In order for the provincial government to meet their timeline for the access road, the company believes that environmental assessment work must start in early 2017. The company is therefore, urging the government to table a proposal for the shared use access road before the end of this year.