ESSEN (dpa-AFX) - With around 21 percent, thyssenkrupp's largest shareholder, the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation, regrets the announced withdrawal of the company's former head Martina Merz. "We extremely regret Martina Merz's decision," the Krupp Foundation announced in Essen on Monday. Ursula Gather, chairman of the board of trustees, thanked Merz "for her great entrepreneurial commitment." "I remain convinced that thyssenkrupp can become sustainably competitive and capable of paying dividends in the long term with the strategic course she has taken," Gather said. The Foundation wishes its designated successor, Miguel Ángel López Borrego, every success. The Foundation is looking forward to a "trusting exchange."

Merz (60) had asked the thyssenkrupp Supervisory Board on Monday for an early termination of his contract. His successor is to be the current interim head of auto supplier Norma Group, Miguel Ángel López Borrego (58), effective June 1./tob/DP/stw