Nordea Bank AB (publ)

        (incorporated with limited liability in the Kingdom of Sweden)


                        Euro Medium Term Note Programme

This Supplement (the "Supplement") is supplemental to, forms part of and must be
read and construed in conjunction with, the base prospectus dated 29 May 2009
and the prospectus supplements dated 23 July 2009, 10 September 2009 and 28
October 2009 (together, the "Base Prospectus") prepared by Nordea Bank AB (publ)
(the "Issuer") in connection with its Euro Medium Term Note Programme (the
"Programme") for the issuance of up to EUR30,000,000,000 in aggregate principal
amount of notes ("Notes"). Terms given a defined meaning in the Base Prospectus
shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the same meaning when used in
this Supplement.

This Supplement has been approved by the United Kingdom Financial Services
Authority (the "FSA"), which is the United Kingdom competent authority for the
purposes of Directive 2003/71/EC (the "Prospectus Directive") and relevant
implementing measures in the United Kingdom, as a base prospectus supplement
issued in compliance with the Prospectus Directive and relevant implementing
measures in the United Kingdom.

The Issuer accepts responsibility for the information contained in this
Supplement and declares that, having taken all reasonable care to ensure that
such is the case, the information contained in this Supplement is, to the best
of its knowledge, in accordance with the facts and contains no omission likely
to affect its import.

To the extent that there is any inconsistency between (a) any statement in this
Supplement or any statement incorporated by reference into the Base Prospectus
by this Supplement and (b) any other statement in, or incorporated by reference
into, the Base Prospectus, the statements in (a) above will prevail.

Save as disclosed in this Supplement, no significant new fact, material mistake
or inaccuracy relating to the information included in the Base Prospectus which
is capable of affecting the assessment of the Notes issued under the Programme
has arisen or been noted, as the case may be, since publication of the Base

Investors should be aware of their rights under Section 87(Q)(4) of the
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. An investor which has agreed, prior to
the date of publication of this Supplement, to purchase or subscribe for Notes
issued under the Programme may withdraw its acceptance before the end of the
period of two working days beginning with the first working day after the date
on which this Supplement is published in accordance with the Prospectus

With effect from the date of this Supplement the information appearing in, or
incorporated by reference into, the Base Prospectus shall be amended and/or
supplemented in the manner described below.

Maximum aggregate principal amount of the Programme

The maximum aggregate principal amount of the Programme is, as of the date of
this Prospectus Supplement, increased from EUR20,000,000,000 to EUR30,000,000,000,
pursuant to the amended and restated Dealership Agreement. As of the date of
this Prospectus Supplement all references to "EUR20,000,000,000" in the Base
Prospectus in connection with the maximum amount of all Notes from time to time
outstanding or the maximum aggregate principal amount of the Programme shall be
changed to "EUR30,000,000,000".

The paragraph "Amount" on page 1 in the summary of the Base Prospectus should be
amended to read:

"Up to EUR30,000,000,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies at the time of
agreement to issue, subject to increase as provided in the Dealer Agreement)
outstanding at any one time."

The first paragraph in the "General Information" section on page 112 of the Base
Prospectus shall be amended by adding the following sentence at the end of such

"The increase in the Programme amount to EUR30,000,000,000 was decided by the
Board of Directors at a meeting of the Board of Directors dated 17 December

To view the Supplementary Prospectus, please click on the below link:


    Press release (PDF):