On Monday (June 15) queues formed outside several branches of Primark, which does not sell online so has not taken a penny in the country for weeks.

Outside Nike Town in London, hundreds of people rushed to get into the shop with many people not observing social distancing.

Department stores, clothing retailers, electrical outlets and bookshops have been closed since March 23 when Prime Minister Boris Johnson imposed a lockdown to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

While outdoor markets and car showrooms reopened on June 1, Monday (June 15) is the big return to business for retailers, who are desperate to get the tills ringing again.

The reopening only applies to England, with stores in Scotland and Wales waiting for guidance from their devolved administrations on when they can resume trading. Non-essential stores in Northern Ireland reopened on Friday (June 12).

Retail expert Kate Hardcastle said: "We know there's economic hardship ahead we know a lot of people actually do dip away from non-essential purchases when times get tough and also the stores can only carry so much stock and so many people to allow for the safety measures. So I really think it's going to be survival of the fittest."