December 26, 2012

Com p an y Nam e : Nifco Inc.

H e a d O f f i c e : 184-1, Maioka-cho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa

C o d e N o . : 7988 (1st Tier of TSE)

Re pres en tati ve : Toshiyuki Yamamoto

C o n t a c t : Akinobu Suzuki, Senior Executive Officer & General Manager of Corporate Admin. Div. (TEL: 03-5476-4850)

Benefit Program for Shareholders

To recognize the ongoing support of its shareholders and to support the victims of the Tohoku region following the Great East Japan Earthquake, Nifco Inc. implemented a special benefit program for shareholders from March 2012. Details of the benefit program for shareholders for March 2013 are outlined below.
(1) Eligible shareholders
Shareholders with more than 1,000 shares on record as of March 31, 2013
(2) Complimentary goods for shareholders
Products from Tohoku are delivered to shareholders with more than 1,000 shares.
This year's gift will be Udon noodles from the Inaniwa region from the Kanbungonendo
(3) Shipping time
Scheduled for late May 2013

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