Crédit Agricole CIB, acting on behalf of Taiwan Cement Europe Holdings BV, has filed with the AMF a proposed simplified tender offer (OPAS) for NHOA shares, which had been announced on June 13.

The offeror irrevocably undertakes to acquire all the 30,639,274 existing shares not held by TCC Group Holdings Co Ltd, i.e. 11.13% of the share capital, plus up to 184.414 bonus shares that may be issued.

Following the close of the public stock buyback tender offer, and if the requisite conditions are met, the Company intends to request the implementation of a squeeze-out for NHOA shares not tendered to the offer, at a price of 1.10 euro per share.

The opening of the offer is also conditional on obtaining the authorization of the Italian government for the control of foreign investments in Italy. A request for such authorization was filed on June 26.

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